Torino Esposizione 1911 (Touring Club Italiano)

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Torino Esposizione 1911 (Touring Club Italiano)

Creator Description
Published by Touring Club Italiano, printed by Capriolo & Massimo in Milan, cover by Mario Stoppa, Clichés by Unione Zincografi in Milan, illustrations from photograph by G. Ubertalli and F. Morsolin, A. Ambrosio in Turin and Brogi in Florence.

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Capriolo & Massimo

Related Protagonists

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.

Place of Publication/Creation Place

48 pages, 3 maps

Dimensions Description
17x24 cm, map 48.5x19.5 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

General Subject Terms

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Descriptive Note Text

One of the most popular tour guides to the 1911 Exposition was Torino Esposizione 1911: Monografia Illustrata edita della Direzione Generale del Touring Club Italiano ("Guida TCI") Addressed to Italian-speaking non-Turinese tourists, this booklet was divided into two sections. The first section is devoted to the city of Turin. The second focuses on the Exposition and provides "One Day" and "Six Days" itineraries of the Fairgrounds. It includes a schematic map of Turin, a urban plan of Turin (scale 1:20000) and a map of the exposition in French language (scale 1:5500).

English Translation of the Guidebook Text

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers