Object/Work Type
Theme Structures

Grand Popular Restaurant (part of Left Bank South West Complex)
Exhibition of the Province of Turin (part of Left Back South-West Complex)
Large Metalworking (part of Left Bank South-West Complex)
Pavilion of Public Works (part of: Left Bank South West Complex)
Pavilion of the Armstrong Company (part of Left Bank South-West Complex)
Exhibition of the F.I.A.T. society (part of Left Bank South-West Complex)
Gallery of Railways Materials (part of Left Bank South West Complex)

Title Text
Left Bank South-West Complex

Descriptive Note Text

This area included: Mostra della Provincia di Torino, Mostra delle Società F.I.A.T., Opere pubbliche, Grossa metallurgia, Padiglione della Casa Armstrong, Gallerie del materiale ferroviario, and the Ristorante Popolare (also called: Grande Ristorante Popolare; Grande Ristorante dell'Alleanza Cooperativa Torinese and Grande Ristorante Cooperativo).