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Ceragioli, Giorgio


April 28, 1861 Porto Santo Stefano

December 11, 1947 Turin

Descriptive Note

Giorgio Ceragioli was a well-known sculptor, designer, set designer, and painter. After completing his apprenticeship in Florence with artist Ulisse Campi, he moved to Turin and worked with Augusto Ferri, a set designer and painter who was very active in the Piedmont region. In Turin, Ceragioli became a popular painter exhibiting his artworks at the local Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti.

Ceragioli taught drawing at the Politecnico of Turin. He worked on the decorations of the Teatro Regio, where he also worked as a set designer. In 1902 he was among the authors of the "Manifesto programmatico per l'Esposizione Internazionale di Arte Decorativa di Torino." Ceragioli was one of the founders, with Leonardo Bistolfi, Davide Calandra, Enrico Reycend and Enrico Thovez of L'arte decorativa moderna: una rivista mensile illustrata di arte e decorazione della casa (1902), a leading journal devoted to decorative arts. In 1914, Ceragioli realized a monument to Ascanio Sobrero in the Valentino Park in Turin.

On the occasion of the Turin 1911 exhibit, three of his sketches were used as models for three large paintings in the Pavilion of Fashion. He also authored the design for the Admission Ticket to the Exposition of 1911. He also designed the exhibit for the Gazzetta del popolo in Il Palazzo del Giornale.

Makers, Designers;
Artists (Visual Artists), Illustrators ;
Artists (Visual Artists), Painters (Artists)

Selected References
A. M. Comanducci. Dizionario illustrato dei pittori, disegnatori e incisori italiani moderni e contemporanei. Third edition. Eds: Luigi Pelandi and Luigi Servolini. Milan: Leonilde Patuzzi, 1962. 422.

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L' Esposizione di Torino: Giornale ufficiale illustrato dell'esposizione internazionale delle industrie e del lavoro 1911 L' Esposizione di Torino: Giornale ufficiale illustrato dell'esposizione internazionale delle industrie e del lavoro 1911