Padiglioni della Russia e della Germania e Ponte Monumentale visti dalla Passerella

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Padiglioni della Russia e della Germania e Ponte Monumentale visti dalla Passerella

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca. (dated October 16, 1911 on the verso)

Numbering/Creation Numbers

Dimensions Description
14x9 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Related Built Environment Objects

Descriptive Note Text

This black-and-white photo postcard shows the facade of the Pavilion of Russia on the left side of the photo, and that of the Pavilion of Germany and France on the right side. In the background there is the Monumental Bridge. Behind the bridge, on the left side one can see the spires of the Hungarian Pavilion. The photo was taken from the temporary walkway on the river Po. 

The postcard was sent to Savona in the Liguria region of Italy on October 12, 1911.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers