portfolio images

Bompard, Luigi


September 8, 1879 Bologna

February 24, 1953 Rome

Descriptive Note

Born into a family of merchants of French descent, Luigi did not receive any formal artistic training as illustrator and painter. He excelled at this craft, and he often partnered with Marcello Dudovich. In 1904, he moved to Rome. He participated in numerous exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale (1905, 1912, 1920, 1926, 1928), the Mostra di Rifiutati (1905), and that of the Società degli Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti (1906). After a short permanence in Paris, he moved to Milan in 1911, where he worked for L'Illustrazione Italiana and La Lettura. After 1918, he moved back to Rome, where he created illustrations for popular magazines such as Il Giornale della Domenica, La Tribuna, La Voce d'Italia, Il Corriere dei piccoli, and Il Guerin Meschino.

Luigi Bompard created the cover for Le Esposizioni del 1911: Roma, Torino, e Firenze (Milan: Treves, 1911). The illustration shows a woman looking towards the silhouette of a city illluminated by electrical lights.

Artists (Visual Artists), Illustrators 

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Le Esposizioni del 1911. Roma, Torino, Firenze (Treves) Le Esposizioni del 1911. Roma, Torino, Firenze (Treves)