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Groups (Archival Divisions)

Title Proper/Title Text
Le Esposizioni del 1911. Roma, Torino, Firenze (Treves)

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Fratelli Treves

Related Protagonists

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.

Place of Publication/Creation Place

432 pages

Dimensions Description
30x40 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Descriptive Note Text

This magazine collects 27 issues published by Fratelli Treves Editori in Milan between 1910 and 1911. It mainly describes the state of the works and the events of the Exhibitons of Turin and Rome, dedicating only a few articles to the Exhibition in Florence; in fact, the first cover of the Magazine depicted by Bompard was entitled Le Esposizioni del 1911. Roma, Torino. A huge collection of images illustrates this magazine: several photos shows the works to prepare the expositions staging, during the fair or capturing key moments with the partecipation of remarkable people; general plans of the exhibitions provide the organization of the grounds, while detailed drawings depict the project of a pavilion or large panoramic views.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Biblioteca Carrobiolo (Monza, Italy)

Current Repository Numbers