Object/Work Type
Permanent Structures

Connections with (gardens of) the Royal Polytechnic Institute

Title Text
Valentino Castle

Alternate Title Text
Castello del Valentino

Creator Description
Amedeo and Carlo di Castellamonte

Creation Date
1621-1640 (revival)

Demolition Date

Styles/Periods Description
17th century French Style

Dimension Description

Descriptive Note Text

The castle currently hosts the Architecture Department of the Polytechnic Institute of Turin and in 1997 was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The castle was built in different phases, beginning in the mid-1500s. After a complex series of ownership changes, it was gifted by Duke Carlo Emanuele I to his daughter-in-law, young Cristina di Francia - who, in 1621, commissioned radical structural changes to the riverside residence, in conformity with the French "pavillon-système" (a project by Carlo di Castellamonte, from 1621 to1641). This resulted in the reconstruction of the towers on the river side, the wings, and the roofs according to the "French style". The interior features a monumental staircase and ample salons decorated with baroque stuccos and frescoes from the Flemish school.

Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 11