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Ceppi, Carlo


October, 11 1829 Turin

November, 9 1921 Turin

Descriptive Note

Carlo Ceppi earned a degree in hydraulic engineering and civil architecture. In 1893 he obtained the chair of Architecture at the Scuola di Architettura in Turin, which he held until 1907. He began his career designing churches in a neo-baroque style (such as the Chiesa del Sacro Cuore di Maria in the San Salvario neighborhood). 

He then expanded to other architectural structures, defined by an eclectic approach with art nouveau influences.  Among the most notable realizations, one should mention the façade for the Stazione of Porta Nuova (1863-1866), with A. Mazzucchelli; the Via Pietro Micca (1885), notable for connecting diagonally the Piazzas Solferino and Castello, and thus disrupting the historical orthogonal layout of the city of Turin.  

He also worked quite intensively in the World's Fair of Turin in 1898 for which he designed the Fontana dei Dodici Mesi and the Pavilion of Religious Art and in the World's Fair of Paris in 1900.  

On the occasion of the World's Fair of Turin 1911, he was in charge of the entire project for the new Stadium, on which he worked with architects Ludovico Gonella and Vittorio Eugenio Ballatore di Rosana.

Makers, Architects and Engineers



Selected References
Costanza Roggero Bardelli. "Tradizionalismo barocco e neobarocco. Tendenze dell'eclettismo nella capitale Sabauda dell'Ottocento." Tradizioni e regionalismi: Aspetti dell"Eclettismo in Italia. Loretta Mozzoni and Stefano Santini eds. Napoli: Liguori, 2000. 449-452.

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