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Ballatore di Rosana, Vittorio Eugenio


July 5, 1880

March 12, 1948

Descriptive Note

Educated in Italy and France, the young Vittorio Eugenio Ballatore di Rosana spent his apprenticeship working with architects Carlo Ceppi and Ludovico Gonella in Turin. After attending the École des Beaux Arts in Paris, in 1920 he received a degree in Drawing at the Accademia Albertina in Turin, and from 1925 he worked as Mario Ceradini’s assistant at the Scuola Superiore di Architettura in Turin (Ceradini held the chair in Architectural Drawing and Composition).

Among his many architectural works, he realized the House Bellia  in Corso Fiume 11 (1912) and the Torri Rivella in Corso Regio Parco, Turin. 

In 1910 he was involved, with engineer Ludovico Gonella, in the project for the massive new Stadium of Turin, inaugurated on April 30, 1911. Thanks to this relevant work, he was later put in charge of many public buildings in Turin: he designed the "Motovelodromo" (1920), one of the main soccer fields in the city (1926), and the “Istituto Professionale Galileo Ferraris" in Corso Massimo D’Azeglio 42 (1931-1933).

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