
Torino 1911 - Multisensor 3D acquisition and modelling of the Borgo Medievale

July 23, 2020

#VIDEO - Watch the video with acqusitions by aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, and mobile mapping systems of the Borgo Medievale

M. Sc. Thesis: 3D Modelling and Virtual Reality using multi-sensor UAVs

July 20, 2020

#VIDEO - M. Sc. Thesis by Davide Einaudi testes spherical panorama on drones for the survey of the Valentino Castle, charming building located in the core of the Turin 1911 fairground and today headquarter of the actual Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino

Public Presentations - Using Science and Humanities to Step Back in Time

June 18, 2019

#VIDEO - Professors by Politecnico di Torino (Italy) have illustrated how Geomatics contributes to the Turin 1911 project, watch the video of the public presentation!

Using Science and Humanities to Step Back in Time

May 29, 2019

#VIDEO - The project evolves including partnerships with CHEI of UCSD and Politecnico di Torino (Italy).

UC San Diego - Turin 1911: The World’s Fair in Italy

February 13, 2018

#VIDEO - Researchers from the UC San Diego flew to Turin, Italy, to digitally map an entire portion of the city.

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