
November 22, 2022

Turin 1911 Re-built: New Website Preview
Turin 1911 Re-built: New Website Preview

By Alessandra Spreafico

Preview of the new website of the "Turin 1911 Re-built: the Italian World’s Fair Explored in a 3D Platform" Project.


The project is dedicated to the World's Fair held in Italy in 1911 and is led by:

- UC San Diego, School of Arts and Humanities 

- UC San Diego, CHEI Lab of UC San Diego 

- Politecnico di Torino, G4CH Lab


The new website, with a new platform and design, will be available in 2023.

We thank you for your continued support, which is crucial for the redesign project.

Even modest contributions, pooled with gifts from others, can achieve big results!


Video by Alessandra Spreafico

Track: Only the Braves

Music by