Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)
Title Proper/Title Text
Turin Avril Novembre 1911 (edizione ufficiale della Commissione esecutiva)
Author/Creator Identity
De Carolis, Adolfo
Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
D. Chappuis, Edmondo
Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.
Place of Publication/Creation Place
Dimensions Description
9x14 cm
Inscription Language
Italian (Language)
General Subject Terms
Descriptive Note Text
This patriotic postcard reproduces a successful image by artist Adolfo De Carolis (or Karolis), three muscular male nudes, holding symbolic objects. The man in the middle looks towards the sky as he holds the Italian flag. On his left and slightly behind him another man carries, in one hand, the "caduceo alato" symbol of peace and commerce, and, in the other, the statue of Niké (Wnged Victory). The third man holds work tools, held together with olive branches, another nod to the power of labor, peace, and victory. The background shows a panoramic view of Turin, the river Po, and the Dome of the iconic Mole Antonelliana.
Related Archival Material
Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)
Current Repository Numbers