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Morasso, Mario


April 21, 1871 Genoa

October 31, 1938 Varazze

Descriptive Note

As a journalist, poet, sports reporter, political and literary writer, Mario Morasso collaborated with some of the most renowned magazines and newspapers of his time, including La Gazzetta di Venezia, L’Illustrazione italiana, Il Campo, Il regno, Vita d’arte, and Il Marzocco. In 1907 he moved to Milan, where he founded the sports magazine Motori, aero, cicli e sport. Considered as one of the precursors of the Futurist movement, he strongly supported the myth of modernity, with an emphasis on the cult of individualism, military aggression, and technology. His works include Uomini e idee del domani (l'egoarchia) (1898), L'imperialismo artistico (1903), La nuova arma (la macchina) (1905), Il nuovo aspetto meccanico del mondo (1907), and La nuova guerra (1914).

Writers (Composers), Journalists