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Gurekian, Léon


April 26, 1871

September 2, 1950

Descriptive Note

Born in Costantinopoli, Léon  Gurekian studied at Padri Mechitaristi Institute (Trebisonda), and at the Collegio Armeno in Venezia; he gained his degree in Architecture at the Royall Academy of Rome in 1895, when he also became Professor of Architectural drawing.

In his early career, he designed and completed several works in Bulgaria, Costantinopoli and Prinkipo islands. In 1911, he designed the Pavilion of Turkey at the Exposition of Turin, and he was also nominated as representative of Ottoman Empire at the International Congress of Architects in Rome, but, because of Italy's war against Turkey in the same period, he decided to participate in the congress without any official duty.

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