portfolio images

Edel, Leonida


December 23, 1864 Parma

May 14, 1940 Turin

Descriptive Note

Leonida Edel was born into a family of artists. His father was an amateur painter, poet, and trumpet player and his maternal grandfather was an aquarellist and miniaturist. In 1878, Leonida enrolled in the Reale Accademia di belle arti of Parma, where he obtained a diploma in architecture and drawing. In 1886, he moved to Rome where he began working as an illustrator of serialized and popular novels for the Turin-based publisher Edoardo Perino. Edel illustrated Giulio Cesare Croce's Le astuzie di Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno (1887) and Le astuzie sottilissime di Cacasenno (1888), as well as the 1888 serialized editon of Alessandro Manzoni's I Promessi sposi. He also created the drawings for Massimo D'Azeglio's Ettore Fieramosca o La disfida di Barletta (1889), and Matteo Maria Boiardo's Orlando innamorato (1893).

Edel was a popular illustrator for Il Corriere (1887) and La Domenica dei fanciulli (1900-1928).  

Around 1902, he settled in Turin, where he worked for the publishing houses Paravia and Marietti & SEI.

In 1911, the litographic house of Michele Doyen published Edel's exquisite watercolors devoted to the 1911 International Exposition, including the one depicting the Palace of Fashion.

Artists (Visual Artists), Painters (Artists)

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