A föbejáró elöcsarnoka - Vestibule de l'entrée principale

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
A föbejáró elöcsarnoka - Vestibule de l'entrée principale

Date of Publication/Creation Date

Numbering/Creation Numbers

Inscription Language
French (Language), Magyar (Hungarian) (Language)

Related Built Environment Objects

View Type
Interior Views

Descriptive Note Text

The vestiblue of the main entrance with Attila's wedding on the left and Coronation of King Saint Steven on the right welcome visitors to the Hungarian Pavilion.

Related Work/Label Identification
This photo was published in Külonfelek, in Magyar Iparművészet, 14, 6 (1911), p.289.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Elektronikus Periodika Archivum, National Széchényi Library (Budapest, Hungary)

Current Repository Numbers