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Piazzano, Geremia


June 25, 1841 Balzola

August 19, 1921 Turin

Descriptive Note

Geremia Piazzano studied music at the Collegio dei Chiantri in Vercelli. Later he studied piano and composition at the Conservatorio in Milan. After obtaining the diploma in composition, he worked as 'maestro di cappella' in several churches in Turin and Novara. He taught piano, singing, harmony, and counterpoint at the Istituto Musicale Brera in Novara.

A talented organist, Piazzano composed many religious pieces for organ, and the operas: Carlo il Temerario, Gismonda di Sorrento, Il conte di Northon, and Aasvero. Piazzano invented the Fonotomo, a particular instrument which was awarded prizes in four exhibitions.

For the Turin 1911 Exposition, Piazzano authored the Inno-Marcia Popolare, which was the solemn hymn of the World's Fair.

Performing Artists, Composers (People in Music)

Selected References
Ambiveri, Corrado. Operisti minori dell'Ottocento italiano. Rome: Gremese editore, 1998

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