portfolio images

Jacoangeli, Odoardo

Variant name
Jacoangeli, Edoardo


Descriptive Note
Engineer and professor Odoardo Jacoangeli (also known as Edoardo) was a photographer active between 1908 and 1911 in Turin. He was member of the Scuola di Fotografia established by the Photo-Club. He taught optics at the Scuola di Fotografia in 1909. He received many medals for portraits and landscape views. In 1911 he worked for "Le Esposizioni di Roma e di Torino nel 1911 descritte ed illustrate" published by Sonzogno in Milan and for "La Fotografia Artistica".

Artists (Visual Artists), Photographers

Selected References
Santoponte, G., Annuario della Fotografia, 1909, pp.175-177 and 182-185

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