portfolio images

Ferro (Milone), Cesare


April 18, 1880 Turin

March 15, 1934 Turin

Descriptive Note

Born in Turin, Cesare Ferro Milone enrolled at the Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti in 1894, where he studied under the mentorship of painters Giacomo Grosso and Pier Celestino Gilardi until 1899. Specializing in portraits and landscapes, he showed his first pieces at the Societa' Promotrice delle Belle Arti in Turin in 1898 and the Circolo Torinese degli Artisti in 1901. He traveled to Thailand (then Siam) extensively, and between 1904 and 1907 he played a major role in the decoration of the Royal Palace in Bangkok. He created large frescos based on local mythological legends, and various oil paintings, including the Leggenda delle Kimara.

In 1910 he was hired as professor adjunct of painting at the Accademia Albertina, a post he kept until 1921. In 1922 he was named Professor of drawing at the Accademia. In 1925, he returned to Thailand to help decorate the palace of Prince Norashing in Bangkok. On that occasion, he painted the portrait of the Queen Mother, Swang Wedona. In 1930, he was named President of the Accademia, a position he held until 1933. Ferro participated to numerous important exhibitions such as the Venice Biennali of 1903, 1905, 1910, 1920, 1922 and 1926.

He was the recipient of numerous awards, including a gold medal at the first Biennale in Naples and at the 1904 Paris Salon, and the Principe Umberto Award at the "Esposizione di Brera" in 1908 with "Ritratto di Signora." Among his most successful paintings are: "Sole d'inverno" (1915, Galleria civica d'Arte moderna, Torino); "L'ora del bagno" (Lugaro, 1935, table 32); "Ritratto di famiglia" (1932, Galleria civica d'Arte moderna, Torino), From 1924 to 1934 he taught etching at the Accademia Albertina. He died in a car crash in 1934.

On the occasion of Turin 1911, he was asked to work in the Pavilion of Siam, where he realized the decorative paintings in the main hall. Ninety-six of his Siam-inspired watercolors and sketches were displayed in the Pavilion of Siam. Ten of these works are now at the Galleria Civica d'arte moderna in Turin.

Artists (Visual Artists), Painters (Artists)

Selected References
Eraldo Bellini. Pittori piemontesi dell'Ottocento e del Primo Novecento. Torino: Libreria piemontese editrice. 1998.Dragone Angelo and Dragone Conti Jolanda. I paesisti piemontesi dell'Ottocento. Milan: Istituto grafico Bertieri 1947. 224. 257.A. M. Comanducci. Dizionario illustrato dei pittori, disegnatori e incisori italiani moderni e contemporanei. Third edition. Eds: Luigi Pelandi and Luigi Servolini. Milan: Leonilde Patuzzi, 1962. 698Cristina Giudice. "Ferro Milone, Carlo Cesare." Dizionario biografico degli Italiani. Vol 47 (1997).E. Lugaro. Cesare Ferro. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'arti grafiche, 1935.Angelo Mistrangelo. Cesare Ferro Milone: la magia del colore tra Torino e Bangkok. Torino: Albertina Press, 2018.https://arteoggiblog.wordpress.com/2018/09/01/una-mostra-su-cesare-ferro-milone-a-torino/

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