Object/Work Type
Permanent Structures, Transportation Structures

Title Text
Umberto I Bridge

Alternate Title Text
Ponte Umberto I

Creation Date

Dimension Description
124 meters in length and 23 meters in width

Descriptive Note Text

 Ponte Umberto I is a three-arch bridge on the Po River that connects corso Vittorio Emanuele II with corso Moncalieri and corso Fiume.  It was designed by Vincenzo Micheli and Enrico Ristori.

The construction phase lasted four years and the bridge was inaugurated in 1907 by King Victor Emmanuel III. The bridge was generally criticized for being too stark and linear and as a result 4 statues were placed at the 4 corners of the bridge. Two of the statues were completed by Luigi Contratti and represent "Valor on the Battlefied" and "Pietas," and the other two  by Cesare Reduzzi represent "Royalty Protecting Art" and "Royalty protecting Industry." After these additions, the bridge was inaugurated again during the 1911 Exposition.

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