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Title Proper/Title Text
Le Esposizioni di Roma e di Torino nel 1911 descritte ed illustrate
Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Società Editrice Sonzogno
Date of Publication/Creation Date
November 1910 - October 1911
Place of Publication/Creation Place
Numbering/Creation Numbers
39 issues
320 pages
Dimensions Description
15x24 cm
Inscription Language
Italian (Language)
Descriptive Note Text
This large illustrated volume is divided into three sections. The first is entitled "Notizie storiche, informazioni, commenti" (Historical reports, information, comments) and includes a series of articles covering topics such as the participation of different countries to the Exposition; the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the unification of Italy; comparisons between Turin 1911 and other international expositions; the role of the exposition in supporting Italy’s industrial and commercial expansion, etc. The second section, "All'Esposizione di Roma" (At the Exposition of Rome) introduces the organizers and makers of the Rome exposition followed by a series of chronicles detailing the celebrations, inauguration ceremonies and other public events as well as detailed descriptions of individual exhibits. The section "All'Esposizione di Torino" (At the Exposition of Turin) follows the same structure. A final, shorter section features the Exhibits that were held in Florence. The volume includes numerous illustrations and photographs.
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Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)
Current Repository Numbers