Gli Stati Uniti del Brasile all'Esposizione Internazionale di Torino. Rivista 1911 (Sartori)

Catalog Level
Issues (Object Groupings)

Title Proper/Title Text
Gli Stati Uniti del Brasile all'Esposizione Internazionale di Torino. Rivista 1911 (Sartori)

Date of Publication/Creation Date
July, 30 1911

Place of Publication/Creation Place

Numbering/Creation Numbers
n. 2

40 pages

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Descriptive Note Text

Dated 30 July 1911 this is number 2 of the Rivista. Included in this issue are pieces offering a historical presentation of the Republic of Brazil; and narratives detailing the inauguration of the Pavilion of Brazil as well as pieces on the economy and the arts of Brazil. The last piece provides a chronology of relevant events at the 1911 Exposition.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Biblioteca Civica Centrale Torino (Turin, Italy)

Current Repository Numbers