Turin: Petit Guide illustré de la Ville et de ses Environs. 1911

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Turin: Petit Guide illustré de la Ville et de ses Environs. 1911

Creator Description
Published under the patronage of "Pro Torino" society

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
"Pro Torino" society

Date of Publication/Creation Date

Place of Publication/Creation Place

60 pages, 2 folded maps

Dimensions Description
8x14 cm, fairground map 49x13.5 cm, Turin map 40.5x40 cm

Inscription Language
French (Language)

Descriptive Note Text

This guide was published under the patronage of the "Pro Torino" Society, on the occasion of the 1911 Exposition by the Société Anonyme Guides Lampugnani of Milan. The guide includes a map of the fairgrounds, and one of the city of Turin. The "Pro Torino" Society was founded in 1903 with the goal of promoting and disseminating knowledge of the artistic, architectural, historical, and natural treasures of the city of Turin and the Piedmont region. The guide, which was offered for free to French-speaking fairgoers, included numerous advertisements as well as a brief introduction to the Exposition and to the city of Turin, followed by detailed recommendations for tourists regarding various forms of transportation in the city and the region, restaurants, and hotels. Excellent preservation state.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers