Le mostre coloniali all'Esposizione internazionale di Torino del 1911: relazione generale

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Le mostre coloniali all'Esposizione internazionale di Torino del 1911: relazione generale

Creator Description
Ministry of Colonies, General Direction of Colonial Affairs, Office of Colonial Studies

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Tipografia Nazionale di G. Bertero e C.

Related Protagonists

Date of Publication/Creation Date
January, 1913

Place of Publication/Creation Place

111 pages

Dimensions Description
17x24.5 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

General Subject Terms

Related Built Environment Objects

Descriptive Note Text

Published by the Ministero delle Colonie (Direzione centrale degli affari coloniali, ufficio di studi coloniali), this 111 page volume aimed at providing a full overview of the colonial exhibit in Turin 1911. This included the exhibit of the Colonia eritrea and of the Somalia italiana. Good preservation state.

This volume presents the three colonial exhibits organized for the Turin 1911 Exposition: the Mostra della Direzione Centrale degli Affari Coloniali del ministero degli affari esteri, the Mostra della colonia Eritrea and the Mostra della Somalia Italiana. These exhibits represented the effort to convince the Italian public that, despite previous failures (the defeats of Dogali and Massaua were still in the minds of many), Italy’s colonizing mission was successfully forging ahead with a pace that was both progressive and inevitable. The volume's colonial propaganda sets the “timid” Eritrean Exposition in 1903 Florence against the “bold” Colonial Exposition in 1911 Turin. Le mostre coloniali reveals the effort to cast a sense of natural ineluctability to the process of civilization and to justify current acts of aggression by dismissing past defeats as minor setbacks in an inevitably progressive journey.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers