Object/Work Type
Recreation Structures, Transportation Structures
Title Text
Court of Honor and access to the Water Castle
Alternate Title Text
Piazzale d'onore delle Nazioni ed ascesa al Castello d'acqua
Creator Description
Stefano Molli
Creation Date
Demolition Date
Styles/Periods Description
Neoclassical (revival)
Dimension Description
<p>40 meters high</p>
Descriptive Note Text
An imposing series of steps starting from the grand plaza, or Court of Honor, led to three magnificent overpasses. Two of these overpasses were side by side, and were covered by colonnaded porticoes, and one was uncovered. After crossing Moncalieri road, visitors would arrive to a new set of stairs leading to the Water Castle. The Water Castle featured two towers, 80 meters high. In the middle of the structure there was an impressive statue, placed in a big niche, symbolizing the homeland, executed as a real-scale model by sculptor Luigi Contratti. Sideways from this statue, above and below, other statues surrounded the three main fountains, from which water flowed down with an impressive cascade, almost as wide as the front of the Castle, namely 40 meters.
Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 30
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