Exposition Internationale de Turin en 1911. Plan General

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Exposition Internationale de Turin en 1911. Plan General

Creator Description
Printed by Stabilimento Gran Didier in Turin

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Grand Didier e C.

Date of Publication/Creation Date

Place of Publication/Creation Place

Inscription Language
French (Language)

Descriptive Note Text

This French map displays a different distribution and shapes for some pavilions, in aprticular the area of the Art Applied to Industry, teh Pavilions of France and Belgium. Besides, the Pilonetto area is missing.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Gerini Family Private Collection

Current Repository Numbers

Credit Line

Exposition Internationale de Turin en 1911. Plan General.

Bangkok, Gerini Family Private Collection.

Permission by Gerini Family and Gerini International Siamese Studies Archive and Database (GISSAD) - https://www.gissad.net/

Digital copy provided Gerini International Siamese Studies Archive and Database (GISSAD)

Licence CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0