Esposizione internazionale di Torino 1911. Planimetria Generale (Grand Didier)

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Esposizione internazionale di Torino 1911. Planimetria Generale (Grand Didier)

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Grand Didier e C.

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.

Place of Publication/Creation Place

Dimensions Description
90x34 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Descriptive Note Text

Compared to the other collected maps, this map is the most reliable one. On the upper-right corner is written "seconda edizione italiana" (second Italian version). It is one of the most detailed with a scale of 1:3000.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers