Object/Work Type
Theme Structures

Title Text
Modern City

Alternate Title Text
Città Moderna

Creator Description
Pietro Fenoglio, Stefano Molli e Giacomo Salvadori

Creation Date

Demolition Date

Styles/Periods Description
Turinese baroque (revival)

Dimension Description

Descriptive Note Text
The Palazzo della Citta' Moderna was a small building connected to the imposing Pavilion of Arts Applied to Industry on the left bank of the river Po. It covered an area of approximately 2,000 square meters, and featured a series of allegorical statues on its facade. According to the CTI guide and the "Giornale illustrato," this Exhibit attracted the attention of visitors interested in social dynamics and urban issues. The rooms dedicated to this exhibit featured a chronological journey from ancient agglomerations to modern metropolises. The thematic displays included "education," "public services," "public health," "urban renovation," among others.

Code in the 1911 Map

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