Pavilion of Public Works (part of: Left Bank South West Complex)

Components/Part of
Left Bank South-West Complex

Title Text
Pavilion of Public Works (part of: Left Bank South West Complex)

Alternate Title Text
Opere pubbliche

Dimension Description
4,300 square meters

Descriptive Note Text
The Exhibition of Public Works includes everything that is connected to the development of the construction of new cement and iron and steel materials, and of all the modern tools and the latest technological advances that triumph over the difficult topographic, geognostic, and idrographic challenges of the terrain. Here are exhibited prototypes, tests, and results of the experiments of hydraulic conglomerations: lime, cements, pozzolane (sandy volcanic rocks) and plasters; there are natural and artificial stones; bricks and substitutes; covering materials; timber, metals, et cetera. Then there are displays of building processes, of the machinery and tools used by builders for undertaking excavations and foundations; of regular roads and railways, canals and bridges, and of the machines and the systems used for their maintenance. In short, models, plans and designs for public works of every kind.

Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 56

Related Archival Material

Guide officiel de l'exposition internationale Turin 1911 Guide officiel de l'exposition internationale Turin 1911 Guida Pratica della Esposizione Internazionale di Torino 1911 (Ajassa & Ferrato) Guida Pratica della Esposizione Internazionale di Torino 1911 (Ajassa & Ferrato) Il Vade Mecum di Torino e della Esposizione: Guida Tascabile Illustrata Il Vade Mecum di Torino e della Esposizione: Guida Tascabile Illustrata L' Esposizione Internazionale di Torino: Aprile - Ottobre 1911 (Bemporad) L' Esposizione Internazionale di Torino: Aprile - Ottobre 1911 (Bemporad)