Pavilion of the Telegraph and Postal Services Ministry

Object/Work Type
Theme Structures

Title Text
Pavilion of the Telegraph and Postal Services Ministry

Alternate Title Text
Ministero delle Poste e Telegrafi

Creator Description
Giuseppe Calderini

Creation Date

Demolition Date

Styles/Periods Description
Turinese baroque (revival)

Dimension Description
600 square meters

Descriptive Note Text
According to the CTI guide, "the Exhibition of the Ministry of the Telegraph, Telephone, and Postal Services was interesting in many aspects, as it collected curious objects that by now have the value of relics and objects of historical importance that tell us about a by-gone age." The Pavilion was 2 storeys high and was designed by architect Calderini. It included two side halls of approximately 60 meters each, surmounted by octagonal domes. The central hall was surrounded by a two-storey gallery. One of the main features of this exhibition was the "Stazione Radiotelegrafica Marconi."

Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 20

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