Object/Work Type
Office Buildings

Title Text
Offices of the Executive Committee

Alternate Title Text
Uffici della Commissione Esecutiva

Creation Date

Demolition Date

Styles/Periods Description
Neoclassical (revival); Turinese baroque (revival)

Dimension Description

Descriptive Note Text
This building hosted the offices of the Fair's Executive Committee, and included public services offices (postal, telegraph, and telephone; fire department, and police). The Pavilion was divided into three main sections, connected by a colonnaded portico. Decorative elements included large shells, flags, and antennas.

The "Palazzina della Commissione Esecutiva" included a number of public services, such as the postal and telegraph offices, Police, and Firemen.  The Touring Club Guide describes the Palazzina thus:

"L'edifizio si compone di tre corpi di fabbricati: due laterali, più forti, a due piani; uno centrale più leggero ad un sol piano. Essi comunicano tra di loro mediante un portico a colonnati; e tutto l'insieme della costruzione grazioso, quasi civettuolo nella varietà dei movimenti in pianta e nelle varie altezze. Colonnine svelte, grandi lesene e festoni ornamentali, grandi vetrate chiudenti tra le colonne e l'architrave e un attico con grandi conchiglie e tutta una bella teoria di antenne coi multicolori svolazzanti stendardi."

(The edifice is comprised of three bodies: two lateral buildings, more imposing, on two floors; and one central building, lighter, and only on one floor. These buildings are connected through a colonnaded portico; all in all, the construction is charming, almost coquettish in the variety of movement of its layout and in its various heights. Swift little columns, big pilasters and ornamental festoons, big enclosed glass windows between the columns and the architraves and an attic with big shells and an entire beautiful row of flagpoles fluttering multicoloured standards.)

Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 19