Object/Work Type
Exhibition Kiosks

Title Text
Talmone Kiosk

Alternate Title Text
Padiglione Talmone

Creation Date

Descriptive Note Text

Fabbriche di Cioccolato Michele Talmone opened in 1850 in Turin. The company grew rapidly and soon became a factory of industrial proportions. The factory was expanded in 1895 and renovated in 1904 in Art Nouveau style.

In the nineteenth century, chocolate was sold by grocers, confectioners and pharmacists in tin boxes and Talmone paid special attention to creating  a distinct advertising brand for its products and billboards, and its chocolate became well-known as the  «two old men" chocolate, from the advertisement designed by German poster artist Oschner.

The Padiglione Egiziano delle Fabbriche di Cioccolato e Cacao Michele Talmone was one of the most admired small structures of the Exposition. Introduced as an accurate reproduction of an ancient Egyptian temple, the kiosk reflected the exoticizing tendencies of many expositions. The kiosk displayed and sold many chocolate delicacies such as the famous "gianduiotti" of Turin.

Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 99