Exhibition of the Province of Turin (part of Left Back South-West Complex)

Components/Part of
Left Bank South-West Complex

Title Text
Exhibition of the Province of Turin (part of Left Back South-West Complex)

Alternate Title Text
Mostra della Provincia di Torino

Descriptive Note Text
Located in the area of Pilonetto, one of the most interesting sections of the Exhibit is the display of materials that participate in the competition devoted to road machinery and sponsored by the Province of Turin and of that of roadbeds materials sponsored by the Italian Touring Club.

Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 53

Related Archival Material

Guide officiel de l'exposition internationale Turin 1911 Guide officiel de l'exposition internationale Turin 1911 Il Vade Mecum di Torino e della Esposizione: Guida Tascabile Illustrata Il Vade Mecum di Torino e della Esposizione: Guida Tascabile Illustrata