Object/Work Type
City and Province Pavilions
Title Text
Pavilion of the City of Marseille
Alternate Title Text
Città di Marsiglia, Ville de Marseille
Creation Date
Descriptive Note Text
According to Le Esposizioni di Roma e di Torino nel 1911 descritte e illustrate (Sonzogno, p. 250), the Pavilion of the City of Marseille was a two-storey building. The ground floor featured a large salon and an office for the President of the Chamber of Commerce. The salon hosted various exhibits. The top floor consisted of a single spatious hall that featured a model of the modern port of Marseille as it was in 1911, compared to the same port in 1826 and 1900 as represented in two oil paintings. The notion of progress was also emphasized with the display of models of old saliboats and modern steamships.
The Pavilion of the City of Marseille was a replica of Marseille's historical townhall.
Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 6 (1 French Map)