Torino 1911: Esposizione Internazionale delle Industrie e del Lavoro (S.T.E.N.)

Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Torino 1911: Esposizione Internazionale delle Industrie e del Lavoro (S.T.E.N.)

Creator Description
No information regarding the author has been retrieved till today. As regards the publisher, Officine Grafiche S.T.E.N. is appointed at page 16.

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Società Tipografico-Editrice Nazionale (S. T. E. N.)

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.

Place of Publication/Creation Place

16 pages, 1 plan

Dimensions Description
11.5x20.5 cm, map 48x20 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Related Built Environment Objects

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Descriptive Note Text

Published by the Officine Grafiche S.T.E.N. this pocket guide followed the conventional pattern of contemporary exposition guides. It opens with a brief description of the "antica capitale" - the city of Turin - and proceeds to dispel the perception that Turin had been relegated to peripheral status, both geographically and politically, after Rome had become Italy's capital city. The guide defines Turin as "la porta dell'Italia" (the door to Italy), and highlights its strategic placement on the itinerary of the "valigia delle Indie," (the Imperial Indian Mail) and in direct contact with Greece, Turkey, Egypt, India, China, Japan, and Australia. The guide provides information about how to travel to Turin. The centerpiece of the guide consists in the description of the fairgrounds and the main pavilions. The guide then offers a broader itinerary to visit the city of Turin and neighboring attractions such as Superga, Stupinigi, Moncalieri, Rivoli, Racconigi and Chieri. The publication year is not reported on the physical copy, but it is supposed that it has been published around 1911

Related Work/Label Identification
This guide is translated into English with the title: Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Works and into French.

Related Archival Material

Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.) Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers