Object/Work Type
Exhibition Kiosks

Title Text
Vittel Kiosk

Creation Date

Descriptive Note Text

In 1855, Louis Bouloumié obtained permssion to use the Vittel Spring located in France's Vosges region and created the Vittel Spa. From 1857, the healing water was bottled in square stoneware bottles, and became well-known for its unique mineral composition and pleasant taste. 

The “Société Générale des Eaux Minérales de Vittel" (SGEMV) was founded in 1882, shortly after the opening of the Longes-Vittel-Nancy railway line, which eased access to the springs and allow guests from other region of France and beyond to take the waters. Architect Charles Garnier expanded the the resort by renovating the arcades, building new thermal baths, the Grand Hotel, the Casino, and concert halls.

In 1902, at the peak of its success, Vittel Mineral Water was recognized as being “of public interest” by the French Academy of Medicine. 

The Vittel kiosk was located in the gardens of the French section.

Code in the 1911 Map
Sim a (31 French Map)