Object/Work Type
Colonial Exhibits
Title Text
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Descriptive Note Text
The Exposition featured a large "parco dei divertimenti" (amusement park) in the Pilonetto area, where the fair organizers built a "villaggio somalo ed un villaggio eritreo" (a Somalian and an Eritrean village). The guidebooks of the time emphasized the "authenticity" of these reconstructions, pointing out that "autentici indigeni" (actual indigenous people) lived in the villages. Guidebooks also noted that, in order to entertain the fairgoers, an area of the amusement park was devoted to the "Kermesse orientale" (Oriental Festival). This was an enclosed area where, upon paying an additional fare, visitors could admire "giochi e spettacoli esotici" (exotic games and spectacles).
Code in the 1911 Map
SIM 82
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