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Items (Cataloging Focus)
Title Proper/Title Text
Padiglione della Russia (Cambursano)
Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Cambursano G., Editore
Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.
Place of Publication/Creation Place
Dimensions Description
14x9 cm
Inscription Language
French (Language), Italian (Language)
Related Built Environment Objects
Descriptive Note Text
This colorized photo postcard shows the Pavilion of Russia. In the background one can see the Monumental Bridge and, on the left, the top of the Medieval Castle. Neoclassical in style, the Pavilion of Russia was one of the few buildings that did not follow the neobaroque forms of most of the Exposition. One of the vaporetti that transported fairgoers across the river Po is visible in the foreground.
The postcard was mailed to France.
Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)
Current Repository Numbers