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Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Padiglione della R. Marina mailed to Rome

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca. (dated July 26, 1911 on the verso)

Dimensions Description
13.5x8.5 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Related Built Environment Objects

Descriptive Note Text

This blak-and-white photo postcard shows the Royal Navy Pavilion. One can see the Martini & Rossi kiosk next to it.  This pavilion was devoted to the history of marine warfare, and was the only building in the exposition that was formed by galleries adapted from a pre-existing construction, a gymnasium.

The postcard was mailed to Rome, Italy.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers