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Title Proper/Title Text
Padiglione della Francia 5 (Molfese & Sansoldo)

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Molfese & Sansoldo

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca. (dated August 14, 1911 on the verso)

Place of Publication/Creation Place

Numbering/Creation Numbers

Inscription Language
Italian (Language), French (Language)

Related Built Environment Objects

Descriptive Note Text

This photo postcard shows the French Pavilion designed by architect Stefano Molli in the Turinese Baroque style. The main hall of the building was  covered by an impressive dome measuring 50 meters in height. The main facade of the building was 193 meters long.

This is one of the few images displaying a massive statue possibly representing the Nation, facing the river Po.

The postcard was mailed on August 14, 1911 to La Bauche, France.

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers