Catalog Level
Items (Cataloging Focus)

Title Proper/Title Text
Castello Medioevale - Chiesa

Name of Publisher/Creator Identity
Brunner & C. Como

Date of Publication/Creation Date
1911 ca.

Place of Publication/Creation Place

Numbering/Creation Numbers

Dimensions Description
9x14 cm

Inscription Language
Italian (Language)

Related Built Environment Objects

Descriptive Note Text

This image shows a section of the Medieval village and church. The Medieval complex was realized for the International Fair of 1884, following the project of Alfredo d'Andrade. In the Village, shops, fountains, church, streets, and decorative elements were built following examples of Medieval architecture and art in Northern Italy. During the Fair of 1911, the Castle hosted the "Retrospective Exhibition of the Art of the Printing Press".

Current Repository/Geographic Location
Cristina Della Coletta Private Collection (San Diego, USA)

Current Repository Numbers