&oiferfdiio%d §£c-#(d{]f5Fhf± F7Iirlriflc2@ig]1
ct}C GB C}C} `Z Thos. Cook & Son - The Official Passengers Agents.
OFFICES OF THE ............ EXHIBITloN CorlrilTTEE igi 1 Vlfi FO, 2 - TURIN. International Exhihilion o1 Turin Appil I loll I October.' _ FESTIVAI, HALL. sv,:I:eu:Fell.a|!inocTj;|Pt|'i,::ito|:¥::-:o4.!9t.io!2edi::hfaRbt!:::;Sa;r.¥ii:.: morate the fiftieth anniversary of tlie Kingdom of Italy Pr#]eafvTs:tdof nca]n86r]e.ach Turin from the North and Sou{ll iETii;.i:;e:I:,Q:I?:,ex¥'ltii`!e:,a:e:y:,.i:ig#t::¥s|::Ei;:|ffdf:i;o:f,i|:a.r::i.: if:rTnTsu|inrioTu]::f€;Sianpcaerfsb,ya:hde2EeE;nusr#]roEXE:%Sdsoi: Euci'`;:e3/'i,`3E!!.}Cft:;:gi:c]n}3[;:][£f°7e3:I;t2:#ac:rt:°nnc]2:ai/:2!%/dE:Vst],:]t:a:i=: Great Roduotions of railway fares during the International Exhil)ilion.
== USEFUL INFORMATI0NS ± Railways -Centi.al station` for all lines of the State: Pc`I`ta Nuova. Secon. t!:.ryG3ifta[|OtT :|i npe::`tfresnT|sas'ta::oc:nf:I stE:;06]an`;Ovre steh: [n¥[]an ) simplou and Aerial railway across tlio Po - Sei.vice during the Exhibition. Public Motor Car.s - Fa,I.o by taximotro. pubi;£ooc:%[¥o|aafg:o::,fpa#Lh6e&r::b;;.i:]n:gal:::,.}±hof:Fnoo:s:g:h:.te:i;Oi:%t.e:][a[LaoL.tsrL:aFifrrb; lJavigation on tlle Po - Steamboats will 1.un betweon the two lti.itTgos lsabolla a,nd Umberto I, with lan(1.ini. sta,gas befoi.ethe prinoipa,1 ljuililings of tho Exhil)ition. Motor boats. Boats with one oi. two I.owei.s (fi`.1,50 to 1,80 an hoiu.). Post Offices - Central Office, 10, Via Alfieri. Po8!e Z3e8ta)?}€e open A. M. to 9 P. M. (on Sunday the PoS!e J3estcl7ife offices ai.o closc{l to 7 P. M.,. Bi.anch OfficoB -I, Via Sacchi, vis-a-vis to the central station. Ope :nii¥totfn:°frf.o#;(fsoarm|°tai;u::d°nf[.:uo?2d5a};:LTh%rL;I:`hfo°]}`c[:tt+tn°t];S[;s=``[. Tele|g,rra:gE oE:cesc:en6l;anltraTi::|ioio,,p?::a filufi:;i., boapmeeD tid=!,-tat,Ted,. nTi:Fitri. for telegrams foi. Itiil.y: 0,60 fr. for 10 words; oaoh &(1ditional wor.d, 5 c. Te]e=%h::n:::a;ntE]s::3;1;t:a;t:o;:a.::;€e;5:gs:;i;:::h¥:w8;,:oEnt:I:e[noT[:;1:k[:I:aBn:g[¥o:.]fpra::ocn:vf[:t:i T°u]io[:¥]:3;£oi:ij¥±:TTr:ekiiss::;::i#:h:f;ifr::t:3:r![i::Eao}°:I;e;tt't±n8'ii3¥asi£A::0::£o±b:8:&:I: Vla Roma. Ban#:pte:dtBsaanvc±ong[BNaaE¥[:,,i,BTankc£;o]utra,I:%.o¥Laer££ras[oE:i:[aT=E3:E,£: they corlier of Via Arsenale and Via Santa, 1`oresa - Credito ltaliano, 23, Via Arsena]e - Ba,nk of Rome, 20. via Santa Terosat -Sooio(A Bancal.ifl ltali;ina, 11, Via Saata Terosa -Cred`to Fondiario Opera Pia Sam Pa,olo, 32, ViiL Monte di Piota - Saving Bank, 7, Via Alfiei.i. CIlamber of Commerce - 28, Via Ospetlale. Townhall - In the Townhall Square (Piazza Palazzo di Citta). Prefecture - 10, Piazza Castello. Police -2, Piazza San Carlo (at the Corner of Via Ospedale a,n{lvia Roma). congi:i(::::iGrE::8i,ii:n:zn:f:a:.i%Eg;aE:a:n:y;zi;iiaa:v?Ei=Pi:gi#E:if,:,,E;i;3.;a:if:I;t:;gi: torio Emanue]o 11 - Portugal, 38, Via, Mazzihi - Roumania, 12, Via, f:fr,sf;i:||is:::u::,|Ec:;!|;::;;::ii;,t!vi:g:a!:;:n3et:a:iis||Eis'aEjf:7ii¥z;a:i:l:t,o!`;gii:e!,iiz:i; Col.so Vittoi`io Emanuele 11 ~ Guatemala, 9, Via Nizza - Japan, 6, Piazza. S. Carlo - Peril, 57, Corso Duca di Gonova -Umguay, 11, Via Mai.enco - Venezuela, 16, Pia7,za, Cibstello. Berlltz School of Languages, 43, Via. Roma. Sports - Automobile Clnb, 13, via Bogino - Italian Alpine Cluli, 28, Via, Moiite di Pietit -Club {1.'Armi (of Arms), 27` Vi.rL Maria Vittoriu -(,`lub i;;,i:ao:i|;:fE:::i;1ii¥i.1ji;I:E¥ig:iijp:i;ii;;;R:::;}i:opii:,a:I::o:3:a:tj:infl;::`iii;a;;,;#;;i;!ii; Galleria Nazionale, E. Tne#;I::;::I:=n£%::!je:!i§:i%;tilt:;P:e;:i;eEt!;I;2::4:.0:.,is:;¥,¥{%:i:i;.:;:I:nz]:Caste]]°. a;T[bt:a:hae.%]::D{.g[qg:8.`tr,,et¥:,tpof,.`L,:a;;:¥,£avfa„S,;::of;:,ira.o]n[naso. Z
ROUTES TO TURIN EXPRESS TRfllNS (with the tirme of their pa8stny through Twhiv). Paris-Rome (PR) 40P-u 50AM 30 A)I 20ml Thi.eo times a, week: flf:a.?dcby, TJbwr8- dl#ayEugrnh:qy#q##:rf§d°t#8pdp£Fy;\\s:ar#h Piico fi`om Paris to Turin,117,35 frs.; E,:::rnLtoj££::tt3oo±t¥:a,,:3§:3::I::; P.otui`n ticket (45 tlays), 310,95 fr.a. Peninsular-Express (PE) London {C. Crogg) i ::.rindisi. : i Starts from London Fr€da}gr, passes 1`iirin Sa)€e6rdaigr evening, arrives at pBfofoso£%tos±£t#l%tl8irmg:c&6L:=:TBn°=n or vicoversa, 160,60 frs.; from Turili to 1}rindisi, 140,40 frB. Direct Through Fares (I. 2. 3. classes) from London to Turin. Mont - Cenls Route. Via Bou]ogne or calais .... L. » » » » Iletwrn [zLr® » Via Diertpo.Ne\whaven ..... » » ,» i. ItetwrTb £8,-r® » St. Gothard R,oute. Via I,uiDo.Ostenda-Dover .... I,` Via Luino-Antwoxp-Hat.wich. . . » Direct Tickets London=Malt] (Via Mo(lane . Turin . Itomo.Naples.S}.racuse) gttentEt,?nf:a?o Sl eepi ng oYaTi8it:is :; d;,ys`` 45» ., 17 davs »» ofv¥!:dkfe¥B 30 da'vB 6 molt.lLs Cars -Dining Cars between Paris, Turin and Rome Great Reductloas during the Exhll)ltlon. 3
Turim -IntBrn@tionfll Exhibilion~"ll THE EXHIBITION -THE IDEA -THE SITUATloN. TURIN and ROME. - TURIN, the Capital of the States of the Dukes of _ :: ------ : -_- :#Eo:¥t#|T:is!t;rEo;::v:iEocc:`t!!n';vhe!si.o!oE#.!!.ct:oh,:.iTf:l!o:':F#3ht&1:8fi;;:ii:;|p`i;# E¥:£rfiD:a¥[£f::;E;rfw::i:c:h#t:ot:thb%eeo%n:sp£;fdoe::atgtens;#:&bo[n:s;::::::d:sE¥on:g:£gAm:.:,6]c:;I: meroe, Industries developed in an astonishing manner, persuading Europe of the good qnalitios of the italian people. !i:,,:e:.e:;::::oi:ei:v:.F::;,;i,,%:::ill.:;iia%unT:s:ae::in,:;:h:oef:;I:::,;y;,oniox!hf:e;i.;H:o:h::tE:efo:fgi dustries and work, and Rome with its exclusively al.tistio Exliibition. Valentine Park. -The Exhibition 1911 of Turin will bet hal(1, as the those of 1884 and 1898, in the Valentine Park (Par(.o Valontino). It is an ideal sT`ot 5o:I,igdEfifi!iitii|:n.i;nEea|%P:ilo:i,:n;a:q:`sl:easiLt!t:::;:,n;,itaoo.¥.g::hEn:d:oia.:n3`?c£`:::±`hsno:rteh: thorisand square metros, of which more than three hundred thousand ale °C,iuhi:£ei]x`£.rbfti:nbE:'q::8es±tent embraces also the Vflze7bt€„ O¢6tze (with its :nad8n{£:enj;oi::eo.:[°&cod,ed.e°ttr8a,t!%nhs±)c'hb:jrLet;:n]e6x5o°dbtyo¥t:`'ieu[9tE[;}]?t]nno°rt°hfF::ntche6 Med€ceuct3 b'o7.o%gJ} and Oc{8€Zc. ercoted for the Exliibition of 18f4, forming an iB]Pe°:toac:ift£:a:i`o°nboff:u:£hs[tfr3.cDa::i:8p::;ieEX£;b[tt£:uarttpseanvsj`itn°d[`Sp;#`i': their medlceval costumes. TEE PAI,Acfi oF THE JOuRNAL (Intomatioflal Exhibit,ion).
THE EXHIBITION I THE ARCHITECTUFtE -TliE ENTRANCE. 1`ho Into].national Exhibition of Tun.in, decided upon on the 14th. Fob.1907,will open in tlio month of April 1911, under the patrormge of H. M. KING VICT.JR mlMANUEI.Ill and under'the presi(lance of Sena,tor THOMAS VILLA, who has alread)r organisod with groat siiccess the National Exhibitions of 1884 and 1898, the International Exhibition of Modern decorative Arts of 1902, the Italian Sections of the UDivorsal ExhibitioDs at Paris ifl 1889 and 1900. |`he main entrance to tl]e Exhibition will be in Cor6o 17iJttt,a...a Ema)- rvuele 11 Out the oorn®r o£ Oor8o Cla,irdi, nch tar from Umberto I Bridge. I:his is the oldest part of the Valentine Park (planned in 1836, enlarged and newly designed in 1860 by Bor€!!e{ D6oa}mp6) and the viBitol.B are struck as the.v enter by the exquisite bounty of its ondulations, by the theatrical illusion of its perBpectivos and the rut.al charms of its nooks and groves. The Arcllitecture. -The buildings of the exhibition show the a,rohitootui.a of Piodmont, and more particiilai.I.y of Turin, at the beginning of the XvllI Century. This a].chitecturo was the woi.k of olio artist, the abb6 Pb..Zdy 7q4t)orcb (1685-1736) of Mossina, whom King Victor Amedeus 11 had brought with him when ho i'etui.ned in 1714 from Sicily, which had jdst been a,nnexed. 1n our. excursions round the town (see p. 10-15), we shall distinguish at once his works-the Ptlzflzzo A:£la)dc!mc®, the Oot4r! a/ Jw8t€ce, the Chiirohes of JSC.Pfoo.lt.p, Oa)r?7a€7be, Scb7L€cb Oroce and above all the J3a8t.Z{ccb a/ Sxpe7.go - which, avoiding the very exaggerated style of Fathel` Gwar€7ia. (Chiirch of Sa)7b J}oi.emzo, Chapel of Hozgr Jsforo"d, Oa)7.dy7tco7Lo pcb!cLce) of the xvll contui..\T, gave a now elegance, lines at once sim|)Ie and majestic and showed a per.feat decor.ativo taste in the general architecture of the town. Industrial Art. - 1`ho Industrial Art, `whioh is found to the rig`ht of the PriDcipal enti.anco, with the adjoining building of the Mol)ERN ToWN. occuiiies a Covered surface of 9000 sq.in. The Fashion. - The Pavilion of Fashion is on the left of the entrance en(1. It is a pretty building favoumbl5' situated, containing ai.tistic models of di.esseEi, anuBenents and fui.nituros of the present times. 1`IIE PALACE OF FASHION (Intomational Exhibition).
THE EXHIBITION -THE CENTRAL FART. iili![i:;:ee::a;:;tr;::hi§o:s;¥i:§¥:°§|j€ri:ji:n;i;i°ii#;;:::ar;¥::§d;i::;toar;i:;Ei:;iI:j]i;:e;;8;±!ii:i!i: lines, under the blue sky. £a;i:.:;t;`|:a:cs¥g:hI:agtlT:f.aTi:fio#!s:q:::g:,ii6:;:eE;t:1:v:a;;B!iTi::g¥h!t:t:hhi¥Jlo:,iFE¥s:gE:c! :ha;,lees;otn=|°i[:gt:::d±::I;n:o:en;£#£eT%8::o[°i:\i7FZTb%o°:tE8sS:fa!£ng5.*of°shq.emn.°j,|`°£: f?:i::p;gu=:h:.;b;tg:a:ir:ro::!gfage.'£EtE:T::i:;::=¥j#fno;£;E:,;aisg=o:a;1|iongf;,og:::`Cgh:ii;n:£ti,;ii being of feri.o-conoreto construction. =_-=___-___ ----- _-__:-_ -- faosfno,;=s:mg:i:1:r:oc:u:5g,iEp:Tt;!!8:.reBI,a?,i:i!p`:a!rag:o.fcii:f.:rsgeanfia,sltaotfueE6naoruor:n:big: iB:ipeectepa]3g.::£3.tFeFr°¢£;ev6e8t|¥¢Sb:}a,gob,t.PdgteFaftnp:hrte°rfo:i:nEo¥hE?i:jn°entt¥h£Ch The I1:xhibition of Pilonetto comprises the GF.NERAL I,`'I)Usrl`RIES, AGRICUL- :?:R¥:S;£aE:ao£Et¥o:T£:Ns:ehe¥€io¥::agnfd:?I:Dfapc;eh%ifz:eg¥th::i:§§::t¥sqs.e#°tnha°tfftshteo]:aA; Stadium. - The Stadium. ereotod in old Piazza d'armi between the Oar8o §iiiii¥jp:e:;i;a:n::d=o::]i.;#!f:p;£:¥:a]:o|oioieto|agEss%£j[:,:!i::t§afeo]r:]o:i:=to:d::a:ri§;?:tiEi¥O:i::::oF:!ij THE PALACE oF FRANCE (Intormtional Exhibition).
THE EXHIBITION - THE RIciHT BANK oF THE RIVER FO. :-_----:------_----I ficont acc`ess and a beantiful passage to those sections. Fh:GE:ijge:ft¥;|FL:Gge:rE¥atEo:b:i°C:u%:::o:oa:¥igth#igdr:oa°|fa:aE;heiflsopf#:a5%o:fr8rb=:a::t¥:i fr:I;Bie]ri%E:{i:egi:f]hiii:;°£=x#hfeEiE:I;:;ii;e;o:iiit:ga;:::n;i:gfiii:::3[::oi;i;iou;:§i:;i!:ngi Belgium. - The iBengian Section occupies a covered area of 6000 Bq.in. |n¥ee:Efr:`a::;hn;iI;I.::cii:a:t:rinecT,:r,:oS;ci;:o:eEs:rt;hn3rd:r;|oeg:E:yn=t;::ail;gattcEt::F!:;=h¥ina;no3Tc::t:;n:gf: ::i!#:!e!upeA:|'i,3:il:i.!o:t:I;jl,?I?,T.d:irn:g:i.ii:A#;tf(!c::p:es:ft!`Ebiit#En!:Ea:rh::u5iF|e:; This last is an elegant pavilion with an area of 2000 sq.in. -._-_____:__--i___:-:_:-=-: _ ----- _ ------ 'l`HF, PAT,ACE oF Bp`Azll, (Ihtoi'national Exhil)ition). 7
A 1,ostz`. 8 '1elttgiafo. C Te[cfolio. D Bol.ra. E Ai.Ineii8 Renlo. F l'ala7,%o Acoadomia dollo S|.ionzo, G » Carignano. H Miisoo Civict) (Soz. Antica). I Miiso`i ci`'ico \Sez. Modorno,). L ,l`.t,iLtl.o I:ogio. M » Cat.ignano. N t, Alfit9i.i. P 'l`ttati.o l3albo. 0 » \'ittol`io Emanuelo. Q Politeama chiaroll;I. wiAP oF TUF=!N Scale I : 20.000 £€(
J',I,\\ ,\. , ¢ i?,\-i- `\-: I. Gallei`ia, Nazi`inale. 2. Santa Ci.ist,inn. 3. Sam Cat.lo. 4. Accadeltiia Filaimon. 5. Galloi.ia Gci€ser. 6. Pala7.zo Mada,rna. 7. Galleria S`ibalpiiia. 8. Sari Filippo. 9. I'niyorBital. 10. Accnden`ift Albertina. 11. Mole Antonelliana. . 12. bli[soo Industrialo. 13. Sam Loronzo. {'J. 14. San Giovanni, 15. . Pal.ta Palatin&. 16. Palazzo di Citta. 17. Santi Martiri. 18. San I)i.lmazzo. 19. La Consolat.a. 20. CittadellaE 21. 1`alazzo di Giiistizia. •22. Col.pus I)ciniri, 23. Chiesa, tit.i Cannino. 24. San Gioachino 25. L`hiesa Sacro Cuore di Maria
TURIN ln loll. FIRST TOUR ROUND THE TOWN jT7o7.723.7z.7 - Central Station - Piazp Castello. PI.\zz.\ C.\r`Lo PET.ICE (17.noo sq.in.).` Central station oT Por8cb .M4ot)a). oon- §i:.ill:t`Q::|]i:a:`:]6ri-L`],:t6S:f]jz¢a;.:.r€£,##ATfoegit.?itsTcu.:pttt3:LE;£z3fcof,°T3;3;=;bef°rothe At the ontl of tlio sqiiaro commences: VIA Ro.\[A, formei.I.v .\ti./jo(f,, tracerl in 1615 on the plans of Vztcozzo.. On ther left .rLt lho col.nei. of \.ia, Arcivoscovado is tlio Ga3Zer€cb JivT¢z€o7ia)le, covered passatria (18T9, architect Ji.cc{o). Vin Piomfl. Crosses tl]e : :::=[i|l:`Z]`!f]tst`.::8„%''c;;:;;(;'`it::S:#±;:€:}i£:}jo::t¢;:iehti]|:ee£:Sf8:i#Os:t:EL'tt7:I:8.;]iJT:%sti"E;i;)cpi 7`fot.Zjt',tort, Diiko of S.1,vo}-(1_52S-t.->80), ni:isterpiece o[. tile sculptor lr¢rocc7ie{tt: (1t}i;,.>). At n. 5, tho seat of the .1ccclde?)4t.c® Ill.Zclr77zo7b€c¢, one of the best clubs of tlie to\\'n. Via, ]tomb runs :`.1o]g the Gc!Z!c..t.c6 Ge?.8b'e)., covere(1 passage constructed in ls5S, {|n(I ends at : P|A7,zA CArjTli:LLo (?,S.000 Bq.m`), the oentro of the town. In the middle of iE:a:tnq;::I:i:::,,:I;i,t!,`:;.;e`;9.s.,,:;:?h,,'|:6i:gik:a:¥S,,,tshie%,:c:a.Tee.!:e,oJ,I:.-1,:;fapi`:nfn:i,,¥sgtro:T`iecsa,f ::R:its:iT|t;,ntr|,`:nmooii:`.0:.eonftt:]tpGsafl!|.?Gi:]tF%„£::.:.7(s#|g:OZ,a?:i%',,c},8%)o2).Optho fgT,=o`£,%h;°Lrn¥`.:`i\`oo.°:+:n±\::°to::n=`tgL:e£:o:)Sr+t\#tg::g£`!.a£.tt_£#`:§ah#=_±\`\o+rlsesbs&#Eto&#§,S[Sd#\ii€ princes of tl]e Hoiiso of Sfbvo.T. the b`2tie.68 JTCTZZ, the rb7.o7.a J?oo.7t,. the C'fa€9i,c8c 9x¢coct#i;"tt]]`]o].;:Ism:Omo:rbdynJ5:T0n'&'g`::2tio':hceonr::',?t[s5:nrd]epno5:]]::tfeospt?`Ta]8s?nera[].+ (AAif|::i?fufn]Sre.{ro:,i?,:a]m:::acceoftp,:te]3£npjfiT7`raopce:S:;I::.:F[°`€::'ker%a:,fsAfi.;': 6 A.M. to 3 P.M. : to gain ad"ittance, free, €`pplT to the scoretary; t>ntrance frec°o:r}n':t°t'[[,8a{`hsa '``:',°aTk ]tthfoi¥iT tt|]e3 :i,3:a:sC,at;a;oil::. norti] east corner.. tl`o rcat7.a 7i'c?t.o o[. lT3S. foimeil.}- tl]e Colirt Tl]eatre, which ca,n accommo(1ato 3°&°i,:1:.:,Cct.;nrti:I:S.of piaz7:a c{iste||o |`etwcen vin Gariha]di anrl `it` PO h<T``-0 6pleii(li{l sliops an(1 alto fl favo`ii.ite walk, especially in wintoi. antl tllo o`'ening`. TllF, PAl,.\CF, 0li` Bl.?I,GIU)I (Inteimti.mflLI E`liibition).
jl/£e"oore - Via Po - Monto dei Cappucoini - Exhibition. VIA Po. Notice the beautifnl view of the street bordered on both Bides by aiicades, with the dome of the Gran Madro di Dio Church and the mass of green hills which are raised at the back, at 1 kin. distancet. Walking along via, Po, you see on the loft at n. ]7 the Um¢tje7.86tgr Pa}oce (1713, retmarkable Court-yard and gallery are to be noticed ; on the fii.st floor the Nato.o7}a)I L®.Bra)rgiv, with more thafl 300.000 volumes, open from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.). At the corner of via Montebollo, always keeiping to the left, tor.n visit the lfoze A7}Co7b6}}¢amcb, 164 in. high, the most curious building of the town, and the highest in brickwork of tile woi'ld, architect A7aco„ezi€, who began it in 1863, and who gave` it his name (one Can Inount 1040 steps any day from 9 A. M. to 5 P.M. ;, entl.anco Fr. 0,50, magnificent view). PIAzzA VITTORlo EMA"UEI,E I (34.000 sq.in.), oonstmotod in 1815.1825, remarkable as much`for its size as for the view ib offers of the Po and of the hills, a,nd from whel.e you see ill front the Gram jl4:odre dG D€o Churoh, on the right the jl4lomce deo. Oappwcc¢cad, and on the left, the St4pe7.gab Baib`Wfca). At thet end of the Squa,ro, we cross the Po by the VZ€€or€o E77ba)?a"e!e I bridge, with 5 arches, 150 in. in length and 13 in width. On the other side of the Po is a marble sta,tue of King Vzcfor-E.7b?7ba)mqte! I (sculptor Gc!gg€ca£), and Gran Jn4codre dG I)5o Church, erected in 1814 as a re. mombi.anoe of the Restora,tion, in the style of the Pantheon, with a diameter of 21 in. (al.chitect Bom8dy7bore). Taking the road to the I'ight by o€co jl4lo7.cflz€c..€, you immediately arrive at the foot (funicular all days, Fr. 0,15 return) of the: MONTE DEI CAbpuccm.I (283 in. high), with a fairy view of the town and chain of the Alps.\ Capucin Church 1611, by V€€tozzz. Near the Church and Convent, is the Ob8ert)a)€orgr of the Italian Alpine Club, with Alpine Museum and telescope (entra,nco 40 centimes on week days and 25 centinies on holidays). Returning fi'om Monte dei Cappucoini to the Central station wo can go b.y the bank of the Po, coming back on the left bank by one of the two bridges Vmgrio Ermououele I or Uinberto I, aund going fur `wa,y oE Cor8o VSttorio EmarvRAehe. Tfie Averv:ue goe8 cdeng i,he Valeatinre Park and the malib ervtraTLce gate to the National Ea;hibitkon (See ricLge8 4-7). THE PAIACE oF 1`RANsiJORi' 1NijusTRIEs (IntomatioDal Einibition).
TURIN ]n loll. SECOND TOUF` F`OUND THE TOWN Jlfo7`%;%f - Piazza Castello - Piazza Statute - Piazza Sol{erino. sq`uva:ettEeetw%enoutrhestfirot;:]gppao][anoto:Laztzh%rq:shtte,]t:ndant€ec8ohs:LEg{st5£]agooyoac: the left) \ve a,rrivo at : Fr%ZzhAep:liz?NZTas%:t:tAo:i'o£?acftt£;t:}rra:]f:##fa:I:a:#;¥„%.:9¢4i°;%£;a?%¢:;:€ef%:::entfann°: §hEe::tts:;:tftiy::a::£bEyFfa:::oea[n¥LOTr2§3:in:,o:{#7£,e#:;%§:::[§jt,o:o::;o::s:e:;Tkoem:;:::I:v;::;:ef#::z¥t¥:n:: PIAzzA PALAzzo DI CITTA. From the centre of the Squal'e Elnanuele Filiii#A:i§ag:¢:;;a:o!#;¥;a;1;!i!¢h;I;a:,;i£:?ti:u;;:ji;i:i:dai§;;tit;°C]°°;1:e::E¥;(ii:Teal:ei;1;¥#:ht; --.:-:.---`--: ----.- i_-`-`--` -: ----.- :_ ---- : ---` ---- ---- _--_---: - 24, via Arsenale. ofTt]t:Fo££Z.a£:]uf::i:;°ai24L°o°£usiqH2tfosf°jTe°,d°,fca#?tod,mj;Sttt,Eem#ea:„oa¢nd(s%]uefp%::. :g¥;cff,i:::2a.a{f£,:%;:£o;%{::a¥:£s[Pft:heoato£ot¥:mu#£orea3£o%:s[r%t%c,£a£:trhsjo.csg=.: E'ma)7b"eze JJ, oi. rotum to piazza Castello by tlio a,I.cados of via P€e!ro dfjcc¢. TL'RIN . The Valentin Castle (1650).
.4/.tor"oop8 - The museums - The Exhibition. ;§[L:Es;„:a:r5j8;::#;.I:7¥ts:;h§¥jp::i:i;::£#:hze;c#:e;#;:[n{ejjr§;ice:::i::::a::§f;e;¥S§%:jj;ez#:L°]#:::7;:,: i§:t§:ojj:i;ii;a:t!;¥if::i:£¥:£:[|::£i!::ii§£§¥i:i§:':p§ifeL:ia;:h;e:a;L#ii:i;io£:¥:::i:;i;::::i;::i Van Dyck, Remlti.andt, Rubens, Potter, Ruysdael, Monmling, Teniel.a, eta. MusEuu oF EG¥1.TIAN ANl) ROMAN-GREEh' ANTIQUIT"s. -Via Aocaden`ia dello Scienze, 4. Gi.ound floor and lst. floor; oporL fi.om 9 A. M. to 4 P.M., ;;,fo:I:;:f;.:"F::|e:ieo;;i:::a-elf;I:e;:d:a:::i:s::.;Eij;!;e,i;;ef:o|:tEb;s;eio:|hi:i:od::i;p::::rotL:i::!i:oa;:;13:s;Oil;o:sB:!i g:P#:g:%A:Znzs?°qi?£?o¥:croA:N:o:i:;n:i::Ea!rs£:g;:6:4c:a:,8E¥,:£;;B:oe%t:£Lg:si°:fbivfro%:r#eio::#£¥;: p"ties (1848-1864) and the NATURAI, HISTOJ}¥ MUSEUM. The Museums ai.e &Ph°enc:]i::gfodnasy;£Xb:.:£:t°hnoz::Fodg%.Z£!fr°ttEe„L,rapiE:6r#tfa:.3ng6.t%t]:T,%%?i:::°s.! :[°i°entF)?83£eo%te;:!°°Eao88e„m*h(!f8:a'o6h:i:%#greadndJ4ca#;:!%m;`#'Z,a(,£:&3o%;e„- Mu8eum, MUSEo Clvlco. The town Museum is divided into two pa,Its: ¢7ac€e7}€ arc, 1, Via, Gandenzio Fetrrari, near the Mole Antonelliana, and modcr7b arc, 30, coTso Siccardi, near the monument of V®.ctor E/".7®a)7t,t4e! JJ (35 in. higli, ]i::g:;:u:1:;:E:i:e:Snc:hi:8[ij:i:§i:ii;%:iih=£::lit:i:°o::hEo°o:0:E;:;:e;gr:3!:h!;a;#f};{oi*9:ti:;::E::a# 1;;°;::]¥£Lfsgrt:o::Xe?t:c:art::;:st?#¥L:eieaua¥£¥t:ol£t°o::e:¥nbt#oge°alo:fL#:48(]SEtve°:iaa:gL%:bf| Exhibition : see p8,ges 4-7. '1`LTRIN . Mt3di®val Borough and Castle.
RlfyNAul)'S ILLUS'1`RATED Guiim-BOOKS - ALI. RIGH'I`s RESERVEl). Turin, Offioino Grafloho S. I. E. N.
63 - Great Uphill Waterworks. 64 - France. :: : B:[!ii:in. 67 -South America -(Uruguay, Equator, • Peru, Republic of Sarito Doiningo, 'Venezuela). a F{ailwav. :§ : §:::#€::yREenp:bi!:;. 70 - Providence. idge. 71 - Big Foundry Exhibits.
fl// Roads /eo[d fo Cur.In
TURIN loll INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION fiRmD FESTmLs - iNTERNflTiomL nEETiNGs #:;F:i!o[:r:::;gt;iiliio:iof:Ills::il;:,fi::i:ie;::t:,:gFlollc"1tulo June to October -Intornationa,1 Meetings for I)i] iLri I)lu an(I Si)hcl`ical 13allloons : Gg%aq%ddpp,1..Zee.ofR}%t#co°h`t[[f:i,I,°.:Lgtpe:Coeo.oT.`fS.tE`°:C#out:q;Cfk:E8.t':H¢.;of.iLei6. Grand Swhali]ino Pi.ize. Lst.1.400, for the Tour Of P.,edmout ...... :eup8;:ues:b:ej¥o:f§¥j:£;i:F::i::i::.i:n;¥od:#¥t:`:grog.`°nf,LP±,:`.I:o,ill.c::Lt::]o°8Lap]Ly . octob;;r.A=uE:O=ts:O[:`i{o;`t;,:;]t(3=t:t:I:;;t¥[t¥reeectiE:.;I:::I:;ro:::T`}io(Pr[zO"`s".000) Circuit and International Aviation Meetings. 0lassica.1 Concerts - Grand Historical pageants ............ 888t±.nfaTe:.nt&i|hait;%:3:,R:£(is ir.;riou;..`othe.i.. spoil.t.a in..the §.iADI.ij" ::: C a 1` G F= E S S E=-S t+ge:tou#°f%gbot#uein8gevfra#e}8°#afooerea8]8r°e8a:i:ybbeoe'#dde::bdeTd"#:bond:".inot]LeEcohtbitbon gEBteeii%tr°r.n=tntt°enrTn[fltq::c:ir°6:n?gfroGs:aopfht±hceAs#£.Industry. oct?,:';er:I=t]|::£o;[[i::::;t,;::n;;in28;;3ni;Oij§];;iFa€O{en±c:re¥sg.:t:i:ei::c];;1:sg.ress. v}s]tofxt=:I]n¥e:I;:ta:::1E;1ta:1:`n6a[§:§rgi£§f:rE:it#5#ebr:£€8:!i£&#!.ecsos:Cress. Issue of special travelling cards ` =--=--'.':i-::----i;:-::.=:-=====--: -,:::--i==:.:,=:::1 - --i--:-: avedl i,hem8ohoes of the Temal,rlinbg coapoi\8 at tlieir plea8un.e. For Sojourning in Turin during the Exhibition In addition to the number of 116t®1s established in '1`urin, the Executive ilo:¥e::otti;Io::fLsrlt:h(Te,oF£Xn:;;i:elm,°stlT/¢eh;e:pri„:Co:muf::tdabie°„bfi6t:i:enMeedu'bL¥F(i,°)`„?i]:i:1}:on]1L:; ;;;;I:;;i:§L*ii:i:X:I;:E:;]i:i¥¥£'a;;ti¥b,:Zi#i;I;:s:'?;¢(t::5e:°iR::°,:a:,S'rG:£e:S;;i`i:;)::oSuLL:°osm:: H6tel NIeuble des Nations, J5, ViCh lftida)77®c4 0r..8tt.7Lci (S0 i`ooms, baths). H6tel Meubl6 Donizetti, T-{c® Do?}t.zetfi, corner. of TZo O..?}boco (1J0 rooms). !!i;i-i!ae¥i!tigi':r,,#i,o;;:3;;,i:1:;:::¢i:i:ilo:?:;!!l,i,;cl,I;i;,f::lr';a::Es;::gnifu::::;:1,:I::a::::1t;, H6tel Regina, Oor8o I?egr£7tco JJa7.yJtc7'{.tcb, collier of C'or6o Fciri'tta (500 iooins, 1.estaui.a,nt). coAm':}Li:{`ej:i:[HeLa°#igfi5ce?g:¥£yc|]i`isoajtisi()bebt.%:ib:)t±L,I;nT;Y`t](I)°ffi(i?u[;?,(|!`u]t|`tL°x?:::¥.:: Station, an(l in the Exliibition piecilicts). 'l`lie Arenci gi\cs li. (I iiitijl.niatlon €dririGr-Etf;=o ji;q:-ni 81;ed 8\Lite8 oT sii-Lg.e 1.uclon8 tiDaltciblu il-a t,uwib and c].ii I.!|e8 tile I`e(jj'.