THE EXHIBITION I THE ARCHITECTUFtE -TliE ENTRANCE. 1`ho Into].national Exhibition of, decided upon on the 14th. Fob.1907,will open in tlio month of April 1911, under the patrormge of H. M. KING VICT.JR mlMANUEI.Ill and under'the presi(lance of Sena,tor THOMAS VILLA, who has alread)r organisod with groat siiccess the National Exhibitions of 1884 and 1898, the International Exhibition of Modern decorative Arts of 1902, the Italian Sections of the UDivorsal ExhibitioDs at Paris ifl 1889 and 1900. |`he main entrance to tl]e Exhibition will be in Cor6o 17iJttt,a...a Ema)- rvuele 11 Out the oorn®r o£ Oor8o Cla,irdi, nch tar from Umberto I Bridge. I:his is the oldest part of the Valentine Park (planned in 1836, enlarged and newly designed in 1860 by Bor€!!e{ D6oa}mp6) and the viBitol.B are struck as the.v enter by the exquisite bounty of its ondulations, by the theatrical illusion of its perBpectivos and the charms of its nooks and groves. The Arcllitecture. -The buildings of the exhibition show the a,rohitootui.a of Piodmont, and more particiilai.I.y of Turin, at the beginning of the XvllI Century. This a].chitecturo was the woi.k of olio artist, the abb6 Pb..Zdy 7q4t)orcb (1685-1736) of Mossina, whom King Victor Amedeus 11 had brought with him when ho i'etui.ned in 1714 from Sicily, which had jdst been a,nnexed. 1n our. excursions round the town (see p. 10-15), we shall distinguish at once his works-the Ptlzflzzo A:£la)dc!mc®, the Oot4r! a/ Jw8t€ce, the Chiirohes of, Oa)r?7a€7be, Scb7L€cb Oroce and above all the J3a8t.Z{ccb a/ Sxpe7.go - which, avoiding the very exaggerated style of Fathel` Gwar€7ia. (Chiirch of Sa)7b J}oi.emzo, Chapel of Hozgr Jsforo"d, Oa)7.dy7tco7Lo pcb!cLce) of the xvll contui..\T, gave a now elegance, lines at once sim|)Ie and majestic and showed a per.feat decor.ativo taste in the general architecture of the town. Industrial Art. - 1`ho Industrial Art, `whioh is found to the rig`ht of the PriDcipal enti.anco, with the adjoining building of the Mol)ERN ToWN. occuiiies a Covered surface of 9000 The Fashion. - The Pavilion of Fashion is on the left of the entrance en(1. It is a pretty building favoumbl5' situated, containing ai.tistic models of di.esseEi, anuBenents and fui.nituros of the present times. 1`IIE PALACE OF FASHION (Intomational Exhibition).