International Exhibition Turin 1911

ROUTES TO TURIN EXPRESS TRfllNS (with the tirme of their pa8stny through Twhiv). Paris-Rome (PR) 40P-u 50AM 30 A)I 20ml Thi.eo times a, week: flf:a.?dcby, TJbwr8- dl#ayEugrnh:qy#q##:rf§d°t#8pdp£Fy;\\s:ar#h Piico fi`om Paris to Turin,117,35 frs.; E,:::rnLtoj££::tt3oo±t¥:a,,:3§:3::I::; P.otui`n ticket (45 tlays), 310,95 fr.a. Peninsular-Express (PE) London {C. Crogg) i ::.rindisi. : i Starts from London Fr€da}gr, passes 1`iirin Sa)€e6rdaigr evening, arrives at pBfofoso£%tos±£t#l%tl8irmg:c&6L:=:TBn°=n or vicoversa, 160,60 frs.; from Turili to 1}rindisi, 140,40 frB. Direct Through Fares (I. 2. 3. classes) from London to Turin. Mont - Cenls Route. Via Bou]ogne or calais .... L. » » » » Iletwrn [zLr® » Via Diertpo.Ne\whaven ..... » » ,» i. ItetwrTb £8,-r® » St. Gothard R,oute. Via I,uiDo.Ostenda-Dover .... I,` Via Luino-Antwoxp-Hat.wich. . . » Direct Tickets London=Malt] (Via Mo(lane . Turin . Itomo.Naples.S}.racuse) gttentEt,?nf:a?o Sl eepi ng oYaTi8it:is :; d;,ys`` 45» ., 17 davs »» ofv¥!:dkfe¥B 30 da'vB 6 molt.lLs Cars -Dining Cars between Paris, Turin and Rome Great Reductloas during the Exhll)ltlon. 3