jl/£e"oore - Via Po - Monto dei Cappucoini - Exhibition. VIA Po. Notice the beautifnl view of the street bordered on both Bides by aiicades, with the dome of the Gran Madro di Dio Church and the mass of green hills which are raised at the back, at 1 kin. distancet. Walking along via, Po, you see on the loft at n. ]7 the Um¢tje7.86tgr Pa}oce (1713, retmarkable Court-yard and gallery are to be noticed ; on the fii.st floor the Nato.o7}a)I L®.Bra)rgiv, with more thafl 300.000 volumes, open from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.). At the corner of via Montebollo, always keeiping to the left, tor.n visit the lfoze A7}Co7b6}}¢amcb, 164 in. high, the most curious building of the town, and the highest in brickwork of tile woi'ld, architect A7aco„ezi€, who began it in 1863, and who gave` it his name (one Can Inount 1040 steps any day from 9 A. M. to 5 P.M. ;, entl.anco Fr. 0,50, magnificent view). PIAzzA VITTORlo EMA"UEI,E I (34.000 sq.in.), oonstmotod in 1815.1825, remarkable as much`for its size as for the view ib offers of the Po and of the hills, a,nd from whel.e you see ill front the Gram jl4:odre dG D€o Churoh, on the right the jl4lomce deo. Oappwcc¢cad, and on the left, the St4pe7.gab Baib`Wfca). At thet end of the Squa,ro, we cross the Po by the VZ€€or€o E77ba)?a"e!e I bridge, with 5 arches, 150 in. in length and 13 in width. On the other side of the Po is a marble sta,tue of King Vzcfor-E.7b?7ba)mqte! I (sculptor Gc!gg€ca£), and Gran Jn4codre dG I)5o Church, erected in 1814 as a re. mombi.anoe of the Restora,tion, in the style of the Pantheon, with a diameter of 21 in. (al.chitect Bom8dy7bore). Taking the road to the I'ight by o€co jl4lo7.cflz€c..€, you immediately arrive at the foot (funicular all days, Fr. 0,15 return) of the: MONTE DEI CAbpuccm.I (283 in. high), with a fairy view of the town and chain of the Alps.\ Capucin Church 1611, by V€€tozzz. Near the Church and Convent, is the Ob8ert)a)€orgr of the Italian Alpine Club, with Alpine Museum and telescope (entra,nco 40 centimes on week days and 25 centinies on holidays). Returning fi'om Monte dei Cappucoini to the Central station wo can go b.y the bank of the Po, coming back on the left bank by one of the two bridges Vmgrio Ermououele I or Uinberto I, aund going fur `wa,y oE Cor8o VSttorio EmarvRAehe. Tfie Averv:ue goe8 cdeng i,he Valeatinre Park and the malib ervtraTLce gate to the National Ea;hibitkon (See ricLge8 4-7). THE PAIACE oF 1`RANsiJORi' 1NijusTRIEs (IntomatioDal Einibition).