TURIN ln loll. FIRST TOUR ROUND THE TOWN jT7o7.723.7z.7 - Central Station - Piazp Castello. PI.\zz.\ C.\r`Lo PET.ICE (17.noo sq.in.).` Central station oT Por8cb .M4ot)a). oon- §i:.ill:t`Q::|]i:a:`:]6ri-L`],:t6S:f]jz¢a;.:.r€£,##ATfoegit.?itsTcu.:pttt3:LE;£z3fcof,°T3;3;=;bef°rothe At the ontl of tlio sqiiaro commences: VIA Ro.\[A, formei.I.v .\ti./jo(f,, tracerl in 1615 on the plans of Vztcozzo.. On ther left .rLt lho col.nei. of \.ia, Arcivoscovado is tlio Ga3Zer€cb JivT¢z€o7ia)le, covered passatria (18T9, architect Ji.cc{o). Vin Piomfl. Crosses tl]e : :::=[i|l:`Z]`!f]tst`.::8„%''c;;:;;(;'`it::S:#±;:€:}i£:}jo::t¢;:iehti]|:ee£:Sf8:i#Os:t:EL'tt7:I:8.;]iJT:%sti"E;i;)cpi 7`fot.Zjt',tort, Diiko of S.1,vo}-(1_52S-t.->80), ni:isterpiece o[. tile sculptor lr¢rocc7ie{tt: (1t}i;,.>). At n. 5, tho seat of the .1ccclde?)4t.c® Ill.Zclr77zo7b€c¢, one of the best clubs of tlie to\\'n. Via, ]tomb runs :`.1o]g the Gc!Z!c..t.c6 Ge?.8b'e)., covere(1 passage constructed in ls5S, {|n(I ends at : P|A7,zA CArjTli:LLo (?,S.000 Bq.m`), the oentro of the town. In the middle of iE:a:tnq;::I:i:::,,:I;i,t!,`:;.;e`;9.s.,,:;:?h,,'|:6i:gik:a:¥S,,,tshie%,:c:a.Tee.!:e,oJ,I:.-1,:;fapi`:nfn:i,,¥sgtro:T`iecsa,f ::R:its:iT|t;,ntr|,`:nmooii:`.0:.eonftt:]tpGsafl!|.?Gi:]tF%„£::.:.7(s#|g:OZ,a?:i%',,c},8%)o2).Optho fgT,=o`£,%h;°Lrn¥`.:`i\`oo.°:+:n±\::°to::n=`tgL:e£:o:)Sr+t\#tg::g£`!.a£.tt_£#`:§ah#=_±\`\o+rlsesbs&#Eto&#§,S[Sd#\ii€ princes of tl]e Hoiiso of Sfbvo.T. the b`2tie.68 JTCTZZ, the rb7.o7.a J?oo.7t,. the C'fa€9i,c8c 9x¢coct#i;"tt]]`]o].;:Ism:Omo:rbdynJ5:T0n'&'g`::2tio':hceonr::',?t[s5:nrd]epno5:]]::tfeospt?`Ta]8s?nera[].+ (AAif|::i?fufn]Sre.{ro:,i?,:a]m:::acceoftp,:te]3£npjfiT7`raopce:S:;I::.:F[°`€::'ker%a:,fsAfi.;': 6 A.M. to 3 P.M. : to gain ad"ittance, free, €`pplT to the scoretary; t>ntrance frec°o:r}n':t°t'[[,8a{`hsa '``:',°aTk ]tthfoi¥iT tt|]e3 :i,3:a:sC,at;a;oil::. norti] east corner.. tl`o rcat7.a 7i'c?t.o o[. lT3S. foimeil.}- tl]e Colirt Tl]eatre, which ca,n accommo(1ato 3°&°i,:1:.:,Cct.;nrti:I:S.of piaz7:a c{iste||o |`etwcen vin Gariha]di anrl `it` PO h<T``-0 6pleii(li{l sliops an(1 alto fl favo`ii.ite walk, especially in wintoi. antl tllo o`'ening`. TllF, PAl,.\CF, 0li` Bl.?I,GIU)I (Inteimti.mflLI E`liibition).