Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

THE EXHIBITION - THE CENTRAL FART. Tbo ent.mo ·e :>t t.bo corner of Oo·1·so Jlassi,no d'Azeglio ancl Oorso RafJaelb, gives access to lbe central pa,- t of the Exhibition. This sccontla.r,v nlrance is equa.1 in Uoant.._v a11d gn.,nrle1u· to a pl'ioci1 a,1 entrance. In the rnidcllo is 1.IJo 1.,,.,.utifnl monument of P,·ince Amecletts (sc,tlpt or Oa l<t11tlra, 1002), oncircl ecl nn Uoth sidos w·it,h th e lltq!e rwcn. cles, w hi ch g ives access, to the luft, to t ho s oti n of Elo tricit,y, aa,l to lb right t.o U1e section of the l\lachiaes in molion; vis-!1 -v i:;, tbe IJill s , whioh s ta nd out with tbe il' l1nclulatocl lines, nncl er rli e blue s ky. Festiva l Ha ll. - Tbo large h all of festivals, "' itl, whi ch wo commence 0111· vi sit of tho C,rntml part of tl, Exhihil ion, occupies, wi t h Lile adjoi ning wusica. l g-nlle ri es , a s,u-l'aco of 10.000 sq.in. The lmll with its s lmcture rumincls ono or th Olympi c Th a1ro, 'l'li cupola is 60 metres in he ight. Electricity a nd Engines in motion . - The two s ctions whi ch encircle t·hc mn,rnmont of Pri11c,1 A11101luus o Ctl !) .\' not les· tlmu 55 ,000 sq.,.u. Tho ga ll ery of lhe Engio s in motio11 is f'olloworl by: The Printing Section. - Th bu.i lcling of th .Jo11rm1I, whioh inolnd os also t ho E xhil iUon of tlrn .Al't of' Printing, is ono largo N•nt ml JmU (climonsions ~O X 2u mot.L·us), s ,uTouncl ucl hy gall ri os aucl other small. r rooms. Tllis edifice wh iuh o ·cnpi os 0000 sq. m. wi ll Jawc the bono1u· of outl ivin °· tb o Ex.b.i bi tion, IJo iug or l'ono-couorete coni:;buctiou. Eng l and . - The Palaco rcscr vocl for lhe Bnu:Ii s h S •ction was or c.:ocl 1.LDcl or rlirrctions of the speoial ommissio11 appointc,1 "ilh lot1 ors p:ttent of 'KtNG Jsllll'.ll<D VII Lhe 22 nd. :ll"re h I000 . llll l e r t.ho Pros irl ency of Ir . R. li. tho P1i1 ;,;ci, F \VALES, now GtOHOE tho F 1FT1 11 king of .Eng la,ncl. 'J'hu Roya l Commi sion in:wg,1mtecl it mo ·t iD /!'S aL ::ifarlbol'Ouglt l1t>11so the Gtl, . .Apri l of the sam y ar r.n !l tho work· of tbo Exhi\Jition we re i,m11 g uratcd a rd . Sept. 1000 _in the pre onco of a l> ut 30 Eng li sh jonrna.li st , who r prosoutod tli most tmJ ort·ant nowr;po.pers of t lu.., Unite1·1 ]{ing rlom . Tl,o J}riLi s h fiec t ion occ upi o a spnco of 2Ga,7 J8 sq .m . in " ,lominant posi• tion on lh o left sid ot' th e r inr Po , ao fo t auovo the lev I of tho wat r. It is forrn c (l. like a.n a.mphithea.tre . w ith la.r,:.te col111nn t.tnrl :;ta.tu ~, a.rouncl Lho 111on,w, outal ro11n t:ti n or LBOB. Th uLLpuh, or t ho lM.~e H a ll of ilv1101u·, whi ch lla,s a s rn a. ll or cupola. on each s i(lo1 is 40 m. hi 1rh. The Pilonetto. - " ' o g ivo t hi s ,mm 10 the1t pal't of th e J;;xhibitiou wbicb is rcc tetl beyonrl the P1·i11ce~s I sabella brillge . in the region or l'ilone tto. Th e 1,:xhihilion of' Vilonotto 0011,pri sos tho G EK EUAL l XllUSTHrE~. A.GR1c1·1.- 'l't..rnE. tho ..l J.Off A~D 1-L\,·y a,ncl a.loo t110 ve r y i11 tor sti ngs c t·ion o f th lTA· l.lAKS ABu o ,,11. 'I'Jwso l>ui ltl in rs ouc1tp,r ;1Jtogothor 60 .000 q .m. 1 that is to sa.y u ea r ly a, qnarter of th e ·o vo r •(l s urf'auo of tli o J-i:x hihiti o n . Stadium. - T ho Staili11m. orec t·e1l in olrl Pi1t1,z:1 <l 'anni bet w e 11 the OorHo .Jfontevecchio a11rl ( 'o rsn astt•ljirlartlo ft.n cl Peschie1 ·ci ju fe no -conorol e work, wi ll ·onsLituto :1 ve ry 11so f'ul p,1rt or t ho .Ex hibition or LOll. in whi ch Ihere wil l ho <·ompdit ions of l'ool-rncos, athleti cs an<l of ot he ,· most v:i,l'i ecl sports. '.1:he 8talli u1111 with tm area. or over 100 .000 sq. m . , ca. n a ecummocla.to 70.0llO p erson s . TUE PAI.A E 01' FR,\ NCE (International Rx.hibition) . u THE EXHIBITION - THE RIGHT BANK OF THE RIVER F'O. On tltl' ri!..d1t li:111k of tliL• Po. h1-·twt-en tlw two llricl!.!e:-. J' ,-iucets~ / i,,•uht>lla. awl l p111Ue1·to I , 11.,n• th e "'t •(·tiun:; of tl1u J'ort-ig-11 :-; t:iks. w li i1.: l1 lin,\ O th·dd t1(l to tak pa rt in tl10 E x ldl,ition, with t ho t• i t•eptlou ur th, , l~ni torl Sta.l<..s , of E ng h\ntl rw,l l1 1t1H!<try. !-.it. 11ate1l on tho left ~itlc. J311t ono 111u ~t 110L !'o r;,!d t lmt th e fol'Oi!.!' 1t 11.atio:1-; n. 1·0 al ..:.o la,rg •I~· J't' )i l' • sont ccl iu tl.t g-f'11f'ra.l scc·tion ::; , f-.1 11.: h a.s t ho El cctril'it~·, the l\1.:it·him• ~ i11 111otiou , U11-~ ,Jon1:ual 1 iil o Tn.1,ns por t l11 tl11st,1·.v a.n<l 1li u ~\ , · in tiu11 St:t1HI. 'rlh• 1110111u,1<mtal hri(lge ov r tl1 u P o ('.!;; lll . wi il \') , has liv t\ a,n•he:,; nn ,l bYO tloo1·:- , in tbo low~r of "hh: h will run a. tapis 1·nula11 t. a wl I' n11 s a. mn.gnifinmt Hccesf. ;1, 1Hl ah a.ntiful pas~n!.{O 1-0 lil oso sectious . Gern1any. - nor1nn,ny ocoupi 1s thf1 righ t si ,h.1 of tho osplana,d1•, ;iltove .tho 111rm11 111t•ntal hl'i d:..ru n11 d lJe f'or n •;u- liin:,r i Ju, .u1·ea.t 11phill \Vatt- r wo.rki;. 'J' la1 lmilrlin ~ covers a s u.rfaco of 10. 000 s 11 . 111. ,,itli a fm; a 1l o of :!50 111. frontin g: tlm l:ht.•r Po. France . - The l?' rt' n<·ll Ex li ihi1i n is i11 a, fa i1 ·.v pa.l an.1 or U)3 m . in lon~th, ('o,·eri n,!! a surface of 1a.nno R1 1.111 . The ccntrn,I po. rt of lho hnilrlin,!! comprii-.(•-. a larg-t.· liall. fro 11 1 wlti ·h ra1liau1 t 111 • ~n. ll o ri es of tl11: :-; f. ·lions a.nil crow1u->1l wi ll! :t 1·11poln o f ,)Q 111. lliµ.h. Ti u• s i y lL• or 11\u l' <li1i co h, a, 1uixt 11ro of th(1 ;.ronc:ral arc liilcl·t11ru ul' 111 0 E x hil1 itioo ao1l t ht:, 1,·ronc\1 n.rcl1it c0Ltu·c. Belgiun1 . - Th11 13dµ; ian :-:iec·tion oc<• 11pi t.ls a t·overe,l n,r en of G000 sq.n1. This l1ttil cl i11~ n•eall ..; i11 its linos nn <l 111 a.1.1.v 1lptai ls tli u Fle 111i s h a r c hit ctuse. ln ~ •11ernl , tilt..\ rn11f..lrnc1 ions on 1hu righ t lia.u k. a lthouµ:h fonnin~ one singl o hn nnonio us l i11P i n t lt ,· ir vnri(\h •. olfel' r-;0 1110 c1Ju.ru c t e 1·s w llic-h indicat e t)i e 11,lll l PS of th COLUltri eH \\hit-It 11tt\\" 1·e p1 ·cs1•nt. South America . - :So11lh Arn •rica eompl etes tho Bxhi hition on tl, ri ght l1a !lk 11: · 1\to Po with RC·n •ral IJui ltlin ~s . BIL.\/. 11. occu pi es n huilflin~ ;qHwt. Tlie 11 ('l1ll1 ~- l - 1a: 1.ilJAY , 1110 n : •p1 · 1;1. 1c.: of J•:1ll "ATCHt nlltl l li o _\ H/:E:S'l' l :SB ltE I' BJ. IC' . T l ds lus1 i s t.111 ul, •g·:1111 pa\'ilion with au nn•a. ol' ~JOU sq.in . Uphill Waterwo rkE. - Tli u ll' r.lurworks IHtv he n h11ilt on lho hill , on rl1, • p :·o lon!!"alion o f t hu :i-..:.i s o f tlu.\ ) l onu111cn1al bri,lg-1 •, n. bove au<l beyon,l tlil1 Fo n·i .~n st· lin111:1. I I' o:w tlii11kc;, 1hn t th e llill presents in this s po t a n ~lev,1, tio n of P lio11t , 0 111etn•s al>o,·u tl 10 Po , it iA ens,· to ima.}!ino tha.t t ho a r c hi - tel'l~ or thu E , llil,iti on ( En!.!'i11e..:·rs F E~oc: 1.1 n 1 :\ l o1. i~1 a111l :-:..A1 .,·,,no1tl) ha ve u s ,1 to tlu• lw~t, nd,·nnta~e this clifi'eronc<: of h•,•(•l. Tia• 111on11111l•ll1nl lJ1·i(l~c. w i tl1 il s l11d11sfr:Hlcs at 1110 sicles , wit.Ii th(• rowR or iti;:. ,· i<-1orit•s a111l tlll, gr:iru1 i;:. tai1·s: tlu· c· 1·ownwo1 k o f its ntSC'a<lcs. wlti c lt will fal l l'r11111 lh tl fot·tttlo of tlio \\ f: Lf,,n,·orks, llnnk ·•l h_,· i t:,; ho1 rl H1 pl es. will fon11 a,lt0!!t:l11cr a strlu of a l'c liitt ·t·lnn1 wiiit·li will 1,0 11111"h ;1,pJll't-dat cl hy all ,·oun;ti:--:--t~ 11n•, 1•1111~lii111in.;.:: 01w of t lH· 11 1thl. inlcn·Htin!! :ittrnctions of tht, 'J'111'i11 Kxhibition oi' I!)! I. TIIF: l'ALAci,: nF G1rn)rA:-.Y (lnterrrntional E-'hibi ti on).