Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

,___ '---- USEFUL INFORMATIONS Ra ilways - Centml station, for all lines of th e State : Po1fa Nnova. Secon - da ry station: Po1fa Susa, second station for tbo .i\'.lilan, Simplon ancl St . Gothart! lines. Heacl stat ion for the Canavese l ine. Aeri a l r a ilway across the Po -- Sel'Vice chl rin _g the Exhibition . Public JYiotor Ca r s - Fare by taximetrn. Public Carriages cat the station ancl the most freqc1eutecl parts). 1,'or a faro one franc b., clay (6 a.m. · 12 p.m.) , l ,y night 1,20 franc. Tariff by ti me: 1,50 franc per hour by day a.nd 2 francs at night . Navigati on on the Po - Steamboats w ill run between the t wo bricl~es I sabella aucl Umberto 11 w i th Jancl ing stages before the pr i ncipal buildii~o-s of tho Exhibit ion. Motor boats. Boats with one or two row·ers {fr.1,50 to l,SO an l1onr) . Post Offices - Ce ntral Office, Piazza Carlo Alber to . Foste llestante open from 8 A . M. to O P. M . (on SmHlay tbe Foste lles,cmte oftices are closecl from 4 to 7 P . M.). Branch Offices - 1, V ia Sacchi , vi s-:\-vi s to the central station . Open from 8 A . .i\'.L to 10 P. M. (same h ours on Sundays). Tariff for letters : Fr. 0,05 m tlrn town, fr . 0,15 for Italy a ncl fr. 0,25 for t he other countries. Tel egr a ph - Central Office, Piazza Carlo Albe r to . Open clar ancl nio·bt. Bmnch Of\ices : Centrnl Station (Porta Nuova, same t ime-table). TfrilI !or telegrams fo1· It.aly : J franc for 15 worcls; each a.clcli tional word1 5 c . Teleph one s - Centrnl Office : Gall e1fa Naz ionale . In aa t he principal cafes, r estaltra.nts and bOtel s. Cabins at the Central 'l 'elegra.ph of-lice. Con ver· sa.tion (3 mins .) in the ci ty, 10 cents. i w-ith G-enoa., J\{ila n , 1150 fr . ; with Lyons, 3 frs .; with Parjs1 3,50 frs . Touring Agencies - Ofti cial agency of the Exhibi t ion , 1, Via Carl o A l bel'to (Office for Apa1-tmen ts with gratui tou s in f01:mat,ion) - Carpa neto1 Gal • leria Sc11Jalpina (Tickets solcl for the ltailways of the State) - Gonclraud, V!a. Roma, 22 (Transport .Agents, Touring Office) - Lubin's .Agency, 43, V1a. Roma. Banks and saving Banks - Bank of Ita.Jy, 8, Via Arsen al e - Bank or Naples (Banco cli Napoli), S, V ia Cavour - Commercial Italia n Bank, at the corner of Via Arsenale and Y in. Santa Ter esa - Credi to Itali a no, 23, Via .A. .rsenale - Bank of Rome, 20, Via Santa T eresa - Societa Bancar ia Italiana, 111 Via Sao ta Ter esa - Cred ito Fon cliarfo Opera P i a San Paolo, 32, Via Monte di P i et:\ - Saving Bank , 7, V ia Alfieri. Chamber of Commerce - 28, Vi a Ospeda le. Townhall - I n the Townhall Square (Piazza Palazzo cli Ci ttil) . Prefecture - 10, P iazza Castello. Police - 2, Piazza San Ce1rlo (at t he comer of Via Ospeclale ancl Via Roma) . Con sula t es - England1 81 Via Sant' Ansel mo - Belgium, 10, Via P al'ini - Frn,n ce1 3, Via P onza - Germau.v a nd Austr ia H uugar_y, 15, V i a P ietro 1\1icca - Greece , 11 , V la A1uedeo Avogadr o - Holland , G, Via Vittorio .1.\_medeo I I - Montenegr o, 81 Piaz.za Cavour - Norway , 44 , Cor so Vit - t or io Eman uele I I - P ort ngal , 38, Vi a Mazz ini - R.oumani a, 12, Via Passalacq na - Russia., 12, Via Rosine - Spain, 47 , V ia Ber tola - Sweden, 22, Corso Viozaglio - S·witzei·laod, 26, Corso Siccanli - T urkey, 3, P iazza Solfer ino - A rgentine, 5S, Via Mon tevecchi o - Brazi l , n, Yia Lagrange - Chil e, 44, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II - United States of America, G, Corso VHto d o Emanu el e II - Gu atemal a , n, Vi a Niz7,a - Japan , G, Piazza S . Carlo - Perh, 57 , Corso D uca cli Genova - Urugna.y, 11, Vi a Marenco - Venezn e1a, 16, Piazza, Castello . Berlitz School of La nguages , 43, Via Roma. Sports - A u tomobile Clt1b , 13, via Bogi no - Itali an A l pine Clrtb, 28, Via "Mo nte cli Pieta - C1 nb cl' Anni (of Arms), 271 V ia Mar ia Vi ttoria - Club di Scherma (fencing) 13, Via Ospedale - P aper H unts , Galler ia Subalp ioa - Rowi ng Cl ub, 22, Via Sao F r ancesco cla Paola - Sky ClulJ , 28 , Via hlon to cli Piet/L - Society of Horse Races, Galleria Subal pina (Racingfield , Mim601· i on t be way to Stupi nigi) - Shooting, Nat ional Stand , Bar - r ien1, 1\ia r ti nctto - Touring Club, 22, V ia Roma - Escurs ioni st's Union , Galleria Na1, iona lo, E . Theatres - Rog io Theatre (Opera, Cl assic Con cer ts), 6, Piazza Castello. Cari g na no Theatre (Opera, Comedy), 4, Piazza. Carignauo. Al ti eri Theatre (Comecl_y , Vari e t.r), 2, P iazza Solferi no . Vittorio Eman uele T heatre (Opera, Circu s), 11, Via Rossini. ]3c.1lbo 'rbeatro (Comedy, Variety) , 15, Yi a Anchea, Doria. Poli teama Chiarell a (Op era, Comecly) , 8, V ia Principe 'rommaso ( I [ ROUTES TO TURIN . PONTEBBA {Vienna. S t. Pe tersburt) ~ a: 0 l: (!J Ill .J Gl It\ 'Z 0 ,. EXFRESS TR1\INS (wi th the time of their passing through 1.'urin). Paris-Rome (PR) 11,30 AM U dep. Pa.ri s a r r. A 6,30 P)I 2 20 ' " I ,,,.,., I . I dep . 15 6 "" 2 '. 32 "" clep . I Turin I «rr . 4 ,50 '"1 4,50 PM T ct.rr . Rome dep. n 3 - Pi'll T h ree t imes a week: JJlonday, Th it.rsclay a nd Saturday from Par is to Itomei Mondct.y, Wednesday and Set.tit.relay from R ome to Paris. P r ice from Pari s to T nri n1 117,35 frs .; R etcun ticket (30 <lays), 108,85 frs.; l i'rom Lo11clo11 t o T urin, 189,25 frs . ; Return t icket (45 days/ , 310, 05 frs. Peninsular-Express (PE) u - Pill LI clep . Loudon (C.Cross) arr . '~ g I P)I \ arr . l . ~ clep . I-;; 9; 19 Pllr <lep. ~ Turin . l arr. ·;: G,15 Pill T (trr . Brindi si . dep . n,;. Starts from London Friday, passes T uri n Saturday even ing, arri ves at Br i ncli si Sunday at 6 PM. Boat leaves at mid night. P r ice of t ickets from Cal ais to T urin or viceve r sa, 160,60 frs.; from Turin t o Brindisi, 140,40 frs . Direct Through Fares (I. Z. 3. classes) from London to Turin. Mont - Cenis Route 1. cl. 2. cl. Via Boul ogne or Cala is L . lt,<J,75 100 - >> » » >) Retit.rn fa. re 252.05 1S0,65 V ia Die ppe-Newhaven . . . 137 ,45 04 ,85 Return fore » 2~5 ,15 l G0 , 30 St. Gothard Route. I I I Via Lui no -Oste n<la -Dover . . L . 168 ,85 117,60 Via L ui uo -.A.ntwerp-Han v ich. )) 15D, 50 l OG,DO Direct Tickets London=Malta 3. cl. 6l ,40 Validity of Tickets 17 days 45 17 45 17 clays (Via ::Uodane . T u r in - TI.ome-Na.ples -S.r1 n.cuso) 1 1. cl. I 2. cl. I ~- cl. I fV:.~ltdkityt. --- --- --- 0 .J..lC e S Sin i: le fa re . L 260, 7; 173,00 - 30 clays Reti1rn fa.re . 475, ~5 :J25 - - 6 mon tlls Sleeping Cars - Dining Cars betwee n Paris, Turin and Rome Gre a t R. e duc!ions durin~ the E x hibition.