Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

; .... r International exhibition of Industries and Labour TURIN 1911 GENER.AL PLAN Scale 1 : 5500 One million aquare 0 % ii: 0 I-, ;: ... UJ Q "' Q ~ <f) _; s % UJ ,.. 0 C I-' .:i 1 - Main Entrance 2 - Art applied . to Industry 3 - The Modern Town 4 - The Palace of Fashion 5 - Hungary 6 - French Colonie~ 7 - Hunting and Fishing-Aquarium 8 - Botanic-Garden of the Royal University 9 - Valentino Castle (Royal Polytechnic School) 10 - Aeronautic Show 11 - Secondary Entnnce 12 - Offices of the Executive Commission 13 - Social Economy Section 14 - Musical Instruments 15 - Festal Celebrations Hall 16 - Electricity - Professsional Teaching (1•1 Floor) 17 - Secondary Entrance and Prince Amadeus Monument 18 • Working Machinery Hall 19 - The Newspaper and the Art of Printing . / . / .· / • ·. •c,. -~ .§ · · · •·. ·. · . . --· _-· - ./ ,,,., ~ . ~ .,,,- 20 - Great Britain 21 - City of Turin 22 - Mediaeval Castle ad Village 23 - India 24 - Corso Dante Subway 25 - Secondary Entrance 26 - Attractions Park 27 - Province of Turin -Show of the Road - Touring 28 - Popular Place of Refreshment 29 - Italian Public Works - Means of Conveyance 30 - Railway Material 31 - Provisional Bridge over the Po 32 - Motor-Boats Pier 33 - Manufacturing Industries 34 - Agriculture and Agricultural Machines 35 - Army and Navy 36 - The Italians Aoroad 37 - Secondary Entrance 38 - Siam 39 - United States 40 - Germany 41 - Great Bridge Stairs 42 - Monumental Bridge over the Po 43 - Great Uphill Waterworks 44 - France 45 - Belgium N 46 - Brazil, 280.000 square metres covered space 47 - South America (Uraguay, Equat0r, etc.) 48 - Argentine Republic 49 - Secondary Entrance 50 - Foot-bridges over the Po 51 - Goods-reeeiving Station