Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

TURIN in 1911, CO/v\PLE/v\ENTARY VISITS Public Buildings. - THE Exc ,uNGE, 28, Via Ospech,le, built in 1750. arcb,tect the Co,rnt Benedetto Alfieri (Libmry of the Clmmber of Commerce with a botlt 10.000 volt,mes). COURT 01• APPEAL. Via Corte ,r Appello, built 1720 by Juvarn modified afterwards by the Com1t Alfieri. ' ' . ACCADEi\l tA_.A.LBERTINA DI BELLE .A.RTL 1, Via .Accarlemia .A lbert ina, founded 111_ 1833 b.\' K10g Charles Albert, afte1· wbom it was called. The libmry contams 5000 volumes a11cl ari1st1c collections (apply to the doorkeeper from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.). VILLA DELLA REGL'CA. On the right s icl e of the Po, beyond the Vittorio Emanuele bndge and the Grau Uacll-e cli Dio (electric tram). Built in 1650 (Arnbit ect riettoli), b_y Carclinal ]Jfourizio di Scivoici. Tl1e Villa de! la. Re cr io:, ha s bee11 turned in 1800 into a. National School of Educatio11 for OlliZors ' Dn.ughters a.ud is worth a visit for its bea.ntifnl s ituation on the hill. Museums and Libraries. - STATE RECORD OFFICES (12, Piazza Castello), very important for the history or tbo dynasty of Sa.voy, of Piedmont of Savoy a.nd of Homa.nsch Sw-itzerla.ucl, fro1n the 8th. centni-y. ' . COLLECTION 01• MEDALS - ROYAL LIBRALtY (13, Piazza Castello). The (;a. burnt of med<tls contams morn tba11 4000 pieces and the Library abottt 70.000 volumes a,ncl 3000 maunscrits. · lNUUS'l'fiIAL MUSEL'M, 32, Vfa Ospeclale. One can visit the collections from 9 to 11 A. M. a 11 cl from 2 to 4 P.M.; on S,rncfay from mi<l-,lay to 4 P.M. Churches. - SA~ LORENZO, Piazza Castello, north-east comer (curio,,s clome of 1687, Uy G'l.t,arini) . Co1wus DOMINI (Via Palazzo di Cittil.) . Bttilt in 1610 by Vittozzi rebuilt in 1753 br Alfie,·i. ' SAN FILIPPO (Via Ma.l'ia VittoriL\.)i rebnHt by Ju·vara, a church remarkalJl e for its s ize; the nave is 69 m. in length and 37 ju width . SANTA Cn.ocE (Pia.~za Carlo Emanuele II), by JUvara. SAN GJOACH INO (V ,a Ponte Mosca), by Cotrnt Ceppi . SACRO Cu_oRE m MARIA (\Tia Pallamaglio, district S. Salvario), of 1000, by Count Oepvi, rema,rkalJ le for the 1utenol' decorations, the larO'e or.-ra.n and the clome of 5G m. iu hoigh t. 0 0 '\YALDENSIAN CI·IURCII (lombanl sty le), Co,·so Vittorio Eumnuele II. lSI<AELl~'E SrnAGOGliE (oriental st,y le), Via Pio V . CE:ME'l'Eltr" (Ele.ctric tram from Piazza. Castello1 :are .Fr. 0,10). 'l'he cemetery wa,s commenced 1n 1S20 on the plans of Loniba:rdi, and has an area of 200 .000 st1.m. It js open from D A.M. to 4 P.M. i i n summer from S A.M. to midcl a.y a,ucl from 2 P. M . to 7 P. lL The cemetery contain s a. la.rO'e numbe r of rnonll - ments by the sculptors Yelci, Monteverde, icibacchi Dellci Vedovci Costa Belli Cinotti, Canonica, and others. ' 1 1 ' T HE STADIUM (International E,chiuition). 14 TORIN in 1911. THE SURROUNDINGS '_rbe bills a,ucl the Alps which enclose Tnriu in such a. ma,gnificeut ring of green a.ucl snowy mountains, are object of walks and excnrsions of great interest, some of which, clescri bed hei·ebelow, ca.n \Jell easily rca.checl from Turin. Superga (he ight 671 m. 1 50 miuntes, by fnnicn1a,t· rai1wa.y wbic]1 s a,rts fron1 Piazza. Ca,stello). It is one of the most beautiful excursions nea1· the town a.ncl no perso n sboulcl leave '£lu·in aucl its E.xhi\Jit ion witbot1t having made it. '.l'Lo Royal Basilica of Superga \\·as bui lt iu 1717-31 , on the p lans of J«oara. One can v isit it by ouqull'ing a.t tho door on the le ft s icl e of the large stain·a.se . In the :1rljoining apt>rtmeuts, room of the Popes (portrnits of all tho popes). Uncler the Church a1·e the cryvts containing the tombs of the Priuces of the House of Savoy1 from Victor Ameclens II (founder of tbo Basilica) to King Charles Albert. From the Basilica one can a.scencl (every clay , Sundays a.ncl bolicbys excepterl) 310 steps np to t he dome, wbern thel'O is "very I.Joautirul aucl e.xtensivo pa.uorama. There is a, splenclicl vi ew or the Alps, of Gran<l - Paraclis, of Mount-Cervin, of the raugo of Mount-Rose, of the plains of P iedmont a~,l Lomb:1rcly . On the esplanade is a monument in Lononr of Kiug 1.,~,,11/Jert I, by tho sculptor Pozzi . Moncalieri (8 km . ; electr ic tram from Piazza Castello , DO minutes di stance) . Town of 12.000 inhabitants, in a picturesque situation near to the Poi a. ncl cl ominatecl 1.Jy t be Roycil Caslle or tbe 15th. century (picture gallery. p01·tmits of tbe Princes of the Ifottse of S,woy) . Stupinig i ( to km.; tram way which starts from via Sacchi, uear to the central ra,il way station; distance 35 minutes). Boyal Castle or l'itli century. large park. Rivoli ( l 2 km. i rail"'ay which departs from piazza, Statuto, clista,nce 30 mim,tes) . Towu of 7000 inl1:1bitauts; Castle of 1712, br Juvara (uufiui shecl) . Magnifice nt view of the A lps and of the plains sLurouncling Turin. Chieri (railway from ro,fa Nnova, 22 km. , clista.nco 40 minutes). Industrial town of 14.000 inha\Jitants. Ccithedrnl a11d Baptistery of 1405. Houses ancl towers of lbo 1uiclclle ages. Racc onig i (railway , 38 km.; distan ce l holll'). 'l'owu of 9000 inlml,itc,nts. Castle of tl,e 1711, centmy, enclosed by a large park ; summer r esido11ce of the King of Italy. TURIN EXHIBITION PREMISES PROTECTED AGAINST FIRE All Exhibitions helcl in Tiirin at va1·ious epochs cilways closecl without having su(f'erecl in the least fi-o,n (ii·e, ancl u;e feel to-clay the same sense of secui·ity, as, fi-oin the (ii-st beginning of the works, management in this i·espect has been seizecl with a strong hancl, ancl all l,uilcling materials, timbe,·, fcibrics, etc . have been rendered fireproof by means of special processes, which won the awai-cls o(fei-ecl in an I nternational Competition pui·posely helcl as /ai· baclc as 1907; a thick net of' conduits bringing watei· uncle, · high pi·essure in spi·eacl ovei· the gi·ouncls so as to have powerful hycli-ants in the parlc ancl halls every 55 yards; pw·titions, ceilings, ancl flooi-s ai·e pi-otectecl with asbestos sheets , whilst a body of specially appointed watchmen cw-e being claily ti-ain ecl to pi·event, ancl clrillecl to fight against, (ii ·e. Thus, by timely cii-i·angements, Tui·in will hotel hei· pi-oucl recoi-cl of never having perrnittecl (ii·e to spoil hei· Shows. 15